
Thursday, December 3, 2009


We had a wonderful time at the final service of the Ministers Conference. Dad preached great! Here is a pic of him preaching and shouting. The other is of Mom playing the piano.

Thanks for reading the Blog. We love being able to update you on everything. Keep the comments coming we enjoy the feedback!!

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  1. Hi DavykellyandOdie,
    Hope you'll are doing fine.We have been praying for you'll. May God bless you more and make you a blessing to our brethren in Nigeria.


  2. WOW!I have read and am pleased to be so informed about all of your trip!! This site is outstanding,I feel the Holy Ghost as I veiw each step of your missionary journey.You capture so much,I realize I havent a clue what it really is like to be there in person.This brings my mind back to the late Dr.David Livingstone.He spent some 30 yrs working in that country,I believe 1868 was his last journey .His heart's desire was "To open Africa for Christ".I am so pleased to see that,that work continues through you all! God Bless You All.Kurt L. McCrorey


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