Pastor James Fellers, Faith Tabernacle, Weir, KS
Pastor John DiZazzo, Bethany Revival Center, Wichita, KS
We have been having a great time of revival and fellowship in
Weir, KS the last three nights. Bro. Fellers and his folks are super
people, plus we have been blessed with visitors as well.
Pastor John DiZazzo and three of his men came over from Wichita
and were with us two nights and seven more of his folks came last
night. Bro. Stevens from Miami and some of his folks came last night
as well.
We are praying for more of God's Spirit in these services and
sinners to come to Christ. We are in the last hours and spiritual
darkness is sweeping the world. But it is an exciting time to be a
Christian. We have the greatest opportunity to shine the light of
Christ that we've ever had! God help us to rise up to the challenge!