Today I'm remembering April 17th 2009. It was a beautiful day. We were ending revival at New Hope in Thomasville, Georgia. The Thursday Night service had been great. I was encouraged and ready to see what was next. But I never would have guessed what was coming next when Dad answered his phone that Friday afternoon.
That call brought the news of a horrible car wreck in Oklahoma. At the time the details were not clear but later we learned that Carrie Kewer Vanzant had left this life for Heaven. Her husband Don Vanzant, Callie Crafton and Bethany Crafton were all taken to hospitals with injuries. Thankfully Don's injuries were not life threatening and He was released later that evening.
In some ways the 365 days that have passed have been long. In other ways they have flown by. I remember that night Dad told me " you can't be sad for Carrie". In our human eyes her life had only started. She was 23, happily married for 8 months and was working in the ministry with her husband. Dad told me "this is the day Carrie lived for.". So today I'm not sad for Carrie. Carrie is home. For one year Carrie has been free of pain, sorrow and trouble! Carrie is forever with Jesus! She is shouting around the throne.
When we lost Carrie many people lost a great friend! She was a bright spot in countless lives! It is still hard to imagine life without her smiling face. I considered Carrie as my big sister. She was older by 6 weeks. I must say God has truly helped me. Everyday I think of Carrie. I thank God for allowing me the privilege of being her friend!
Please say an extra prayer for Don Vanzant and the entire Kewer and Vanzant families today! They are the ones who were closest to her and suffer the biggest loss. There is still a HUGE hole in their lives.
Many continue to ask about Bethany and Callie. Callie had several injuries but Praise God they didn't require surgery. She was released from the hospital in 6 days. Beth is a living miracle! She went through surgeries to repair broken arms, pelvis and back. She spent a week and a half in the hospital. Then several days in a rehabilitation center. At four weeks exactly she was sent home. Both Bethany and Callie have had a long recovery. God has brought them a long way! Bethany is doing good. She still deals with daily pain but continues to make progress. Callie has recovered great. She now has her license and is busy working at Chick-Filet. She is having a good time saying "My Pleasure" to all her customers. LOL
I have added a few pics to this post.
1. Carrie and me - Our last picture taken February 2009 in Weir, Kansas.
2. Mr and MS Don Vanzant - Married August 16th, 2008
3. Anna, Bethany, Callie and me - Taken at Allentown March 2010.
I can't end this without mentioning Anna Crafton. When you meet the Craftons Anna is the quiet middle child. When the accident happened and her sisters were in the hospital and recovering Anna was the glue that kept things together. She was a nurse to the girls and a rock for her parents. Also she kept me informed by phone and text of what was going on. Anna, thanks for being there!
Now it is April 17th, 2010 and life is moving on. We just left New Hope in Thomasville, Georgia again and headed to Alabama . I don't know what lies ahead. I do know that God is in control of it all! Thanks for your prayers.
Odie Boggs
Visit davykellyandodie.com Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry