
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Kelly Jo with Yet Another Celebrity!

Here is a picture of Kelly Jo with one of our dear friends in Wichita, Kansas last week. This is Sis. Evelyn Mitchell or as we affectionately call her, Grandma Mitchell.

Grandma Mitchell spent most of her life playing the piano. She was born in Austria and gave her first piano recital at age 6 and continued performing and teaching in Europe and in the United States, until she retired from the University of Missouri at age 70.

Sis. Mitchell told us that she has now come to consider all of that as the most unfulfilled part of her life. She was introduced to Christ in her fifties and surrendered her life to Him. In her eighties she attended and graduated from Great Plains Bible School at Bethany Revival Center in Wichita under Pastor John and Judy DiZazzo. Now 2 years away from 90, she is experiencing the richest, most peaceful and wonderful time of her life as she ministers to the inmates at the Sedgwick County Jail.

There is no way of knowing how many people Sis. Mitchell influenced in all her years of playing and teaching the piano. She has brought joy into countless lives. Yet as a Christian dedicated to winning others to Christ her influence can be much greater! She would rather win a soul to Christ than to hear the applause of the crowd. In our book, that makes Grandma Mitchel a real celebrity!


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