
Friday, July 16, 2010

Kid's Night at Sun Valley Church

This past Sunday night was Kid's Night at Sun Valley Church. It was a lot of fun!!!! Sis. Sarah and Abby worked hard making the night possible.
There were some songs, skits and lots of laughs!!!!

Hannah Metzger did a wonderful job as Mimi!!!! Teaching us to always listen to instructions.

Also we had a western version of the story of Esther,"Hester"
Hester was Rachael Lockwood
Uncle Morty was Peter Metzger
Sheriff Hazzerus Was Blake Lockwood
Deputy Sheriff Harman was Ben Lockwood
You really should of been there. We all had a good time!!

To top off the evening were reminded of Psalms 119:105. "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.". We are so blessed to have God's instruction book to guide us!!!

Peter Metzger as Uncle Morty really enjoyed his costume. LOL He contributed the pictures of his costume in different stages for you to see.

I included one of the pics when I found Blake, Peter and Ben playing in the costume box.

Sun Valley Church has a great youth group. I have immensely enjoyed my time with them!! I plan to do a more in depth post on my friends here in Florence, Montana.

Have a wonderful Weekend!!


Odie Boggs Visit Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. Awwww....makes me wish I were there to have fun too. I miss you and love you, Odie Podie. Can't wait to see you at bond in just 3 months. :)

  2. Hey it me or is there a common trend with Odie in all these recent pics? I love you O,
    Uncle T~

  3. Odie's like her beautiful Mother, she looks good in hats doesn't she?


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