
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Note From Ohio

I've now been home a week. I am still having a wonderful time with family! The weather has cooled a bit. Yesterday was a gorgeous day.

Saturday night I went to church with Mamaw and Papaw at Dodds. I was glad to see some friends from other states. Bro Matthew Stephens and family were there to talk of their mission trip to Germany. They are from Bro. Dwain Galiher's in West Plains, Missouri. It wonderful to hear them tell of their German friends and how God is working in their lives!!! Bro. Matthew and the children, Brooklyn, Boston and Britain sang and quoted scripture. The kids are growing and doing so well with their music!

Cody Shaneyfelt had been in Richmond, Indiana for the INHIM conference. He came with the Stephens family to church Saturday. I was surprised to see a friend from Hokes Bluff, Alabama.

Sunday I made both services at Dryden Road Pentecostal Church. I love my home church!!! Sunday Morning Bro. Bill Houston preached. Sunday night my Pastor, Bro. Bennie Sutherland preached. Thanks, Aunt Holly, for the rides to church!

On the home church note, we have many in need of prayer. Our dear friend Bro. Shannon Baker is recovering from surgery. He has a long road of recovery!!!!! Please pray for Bro. Shannon, Sis. Tammy, Braden and Reagan Baker in this tough time!!!!!!!

Monday evening I spent with my cousin Lisa. We enjoyed dinner at Skyline Chili. Then we hit the local Goodwill, Cato and Walmart. Before heading home we decide to try a Mocha Frape' together. All my family here is bragging on the Frape's. Neither one of us is a coffee fan. But by the time we finished the Frape' we had decided that we liked it. The weather was so nice we enjoyed riding with the windows down and the sun roof open. To my cousin Deidre, who is in Arizona, we missed you !

In May we visited Central City, Kentucky. Sis. Tammy Harris is my "Physical Therapist". Sis. Tammy had me try walking with a walker. I really liked how it felt! I had been kind of looking for a walker since then. Last night at the Goodwill I found a good one for $6.00! I am so happy! I'm enjoying getting to use it.

Today I am home with Mamaw. Mamaw has been canning tomatoes.


-Mamaw working in her kitchen
-Bro. Mathew & Sis. Jenny
-Bro Mathew and Children
-Cody Shaneyfelt and Lucas
-Frape' Fun
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. Awww...Odie!! I'm so glad you're having fun. CAn't wait to see you!


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