
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Announcing Live Recording 10/15/10

Saturday we went to Riverdale to meet with Bro. Chuck Spencer and Bro. Dale Spencer to have our first practice with them. Last night (Monday) we went back for our second practice. What are we practicing for? We are practicing for our Live Recording that is scheduled to take place October 15, 2010. That's right, we are stepping off into the deep end and attempting to record a live project for the first time. The folks at Riverdale have recorded several live projects including many from their choir, the Davis family and the Millikin family as well. They are experienced in this sort of thing. However this will be brand new territory for us.

Through the years we have had many requests for a live project but we could not imagine doing it. When Bro. Chuck Spencer mentioned last year about us recording live at their church we told him we could never do it but he told us we should try so here we are. We are very excited and very nervous about the whole process but we are committed to working hard to do the very best we can. Practices with Bro. Chuck and Bro. Dale have went very well so we are feeling better about it. They are super talented musicians so that helps Kelly Jo very much. And Yes, Kelly Jo will be playing the piano on this recording. I know that will make some of you happy because many of you have why she hasn't played on all of our recordings.

The current song list includes three songs we have recorded previously, several songs we have been singing the last year or so and a few more. It will all be taking place on Friday October 15th at Riverdale Assembly in Riverdale, California. Everyone is invited to attend and we would love to pack the church out and "have church" that night. Some of our friends are making plans to fly out and we would love for you to do the same. Let us know if you are even thinking about coming and we will give you information about the nearest airports and hotels.

Please pray for all three of us between now and then that all of the necessary pieces will fall into place. Please pray for our health and the strength of our voices. Seriously pray because we need to be in tip top shape that night. I know that God can help us and we depending on His strength.

Later, we plan to post information on how to pre-order the live CD at a discounted rate. That will help us with many of the upfront costs of recording and producing the project. God bless you all and thanks for praying for us.




  1. This is certainly exciting news!! Your music ministry has done so much for me through the years. Somehow, more than any other singer or group, your songs speak right to my heart. As a matter of fact you have the distinguished honor of being the only music CDs I play in my work truck!! I have received much encouragement and strength listening to them. I'll be praying for you in this endeavor.

    God Bless!
    (BTW...Brother Brent Gabbard has been preaching OUTSTANDING! He has been beating around the the bush...on top of the bush...Seriously, he has really been helping us at JHPC.)

  2. Bro. Ray,
    Thank you for your kind words. At times we have wondered if recording is worth the time, hassle and expense. May God bless you for encouraging us in our work. We would love to look out and see you and Sis. Tammy in the front row the night we record!

    I'm so glad you are having a good revival. I told you that Bro. Brent would do you good. He is a good man.



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