
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Now For Some Good News!

You can read some very good news right here.

Bro. Matthew Noe came back to the Lord at Bond Campmeeting in October. I am so glad we were there to experience it. It was such a thrill to see the joy of salvation on his face. It was great to visit with Matthew and Ashlee and hug their necks. Matthew was a little lad when we first went to Bond. It is good to have him back and to know they are allowing God to work in their lives.

Praise God! Praise God! Praise God!



  1. Awww....thank you all for sharing our wonderful news!! We are truly blessed that God has been so merciful to us.

    We love you all!!

  2. Hey guys we are certainly looking forward to you guys coming to Bond in December. Hurry and get here.....
    Mary (Ashlees mom)

    What a blessing this has been for our families to watch the Lord work in miraculous ways. PTL

  3. Matthew & Ashlee, we love you all as well. Praying for you everyday.
    Sis. Mary, we always look forward to going to Bond. It's like home for us.

    Davy & Kelly Jo

  4. Wow! Moved to tears by this great news! Though I've never met her in person, I've grown to love Ashlee through reading her blog! God is good!


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