Friday night was the final night of revival in Richton, Mississippi. Pastor Scott Morris and family are great friends of ours! It, is always a treat to be with them!
This was our fourth revival at First Assembly. Every time we have been there God has moved. Each revival has had its own identity. We always leave encouraged! Already we are looking forward to our next visit.
All of the congregation go of out their way to make us feel at home. I have included a few pics of some of my friends.
A couple years ago Bro. Scott built a portable ramp so I could drive my chair into their house. This year he built ramps so I could drive on the platform! It was so very thoughtful! Thank you, Bro. Scott, for "spoiling" me as my parents say!!
Saturday we tried not to drown! The BoggsMobile was a good ark! Thankfully we avoided the severe storms! We did get to meet the Riddells for lunch. It was a wonderful visit with David, Sonja, Justin and Kayla! It had been almost a year since our paths have crossed.
We had a excellent Sunday at Tanner Williams Holiness Church with Pastor Donnie Williamson! It was good start to the week. I forgot to get pics of Tanner Williams folks. I will try to include some in my Allentown blogs.
Speaking of Allentown, yes it is campmeeting time in Semmes, Alabama! This is a week we look forward to all year. It is a chance to fellowship with friends and get our spiritual batteries charged. The meeting will get underway Tuesday morning. The services are 10: 00
A.M., 6: 00 P.M. and 7: 30 P.M. Come join us if possible!
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