Kelly Jo and I have spent much of the last 26 years in church service some where. Nearly every anniversary we have been in Youth Camp, Campmeeting or Revival. Today is no exception. We are in Tent Revival in Weir, Kansas and having a ball. Before you know it another year has slipped by.
Here are a few pictures from our Wedding Day in 1985. My mother dug these out and my sister scanned these and sent them to me and I appreciate it. Thanks to Mom and Theresa...
Below these six pictures are two links you might be interested from our 25th anniversary last year in Montana.
Below these six pictures are two links you might be interested from our 25th anniversary last year in Montana.
Yep, folks, this is really us!

Click HERE for my 25th anniversary post for my Kelly Jo last year and HERE for the Lockwood family's response. Their thoughtfulness and hard work blew us away! It is so hard to believe another year has gone by.
I love you Kelly Jo! I love you more than a hog loves slop!