
Monday, June 20, 2011

The Tent Goes Up In Miami, Oklahoma

The tent went up Saturday in Miami, Oklahoma. Pastor Mike Stephens and his church turned out with a great number and everything came together very smoothly. Kelly Jo and I pulled the tent out of the trailer shortly after 6 AM and spread it out on the ground. It had several small holes in the top and we had them patched by 8. You can see pictures of the tent going up below.

I learned quite a bit from raising this tent two weeks ago and we applied those things this time. I imagine it will be easier each time. Of course having good strong men with a mind to work helps EVERY time. So far we have had that type of men.

The first service Sunday night was great too! Bro. Eugene Davis and the choir from this church sang it down! I will try to post pictures of the services tomorrow. Please continue to pray that the weather cooperates with the meeting.

God Bless,


The first three pictures are from the same angle at different times in the process.

Once we had the tent spread out I had to stake the corners because the wind was blowing so badly.
We had all of the stakes in place when the crew arrived at 10.

"All" they had to do was drive the stakes in the ground!


  1. ...and "poof" it was there.

    Neat! Thanks for wearing me out from just looking.

  2. You are very welcome. You will have a chance to do some of the work when we arrive in Ohio in August.



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