
Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Black Friday Message From Hank!

I received a text message from our ol' buddy Hank the West Plains Church Dog to let me know he survived Black Friday. Here's what he said...

"Black Friday wipes me out. At least I beat the crowd. 

From the looks of things I would say he got out of the mall just in time. These are just a few of the headlines from Drudge Report Friday morning....


Woman pepper sprays other Black Friday shoppers 'to gain an upper hand'...

'Competitive shopping' turns into chaos...

VIDEO: Mayhem over $2 waffle maker...

Two women injured in brawl...

Woman shot, robbed in SC after midnight shopping trip to WALMART...

NC police use pepper spray to break up melee...



Sound like a boat load of fun doesn't it? NOT! I think I will wait a few days even if I have to spend a dollar or two more...

Thankfully the text from Hank proves that not everyone was sprayed with pepper spray, involved in a brawl, beat up over a $2 waffle iron, robbed at gunpoint outside the store or arrested. Some found their bargains, saved a ton of money and made their way safely home and took a long nap.

Frankly I stayed home and took a long nap myself. Friday was our first day with no travel or no preaching in a long time. I took full advantage of it. Kelly Jo and I have a few days of scheduled time off in a week or so and Friday we practiced for it! lol

Hope you are safe...



  1. Ha! I don't know who in their right mind would get out there and go shopping during all of that! Just kidding! Steven and I were right in the middle of it all! It's too much fun!

  2. Ole Hank looks tuckered out!....of course he looks like that all the time!!!


  3. Hank is hilarious! I love it when he sends me text messages. Especially when they include pictures!



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