
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving From Hank and Boggs Family Ministries

Hank with the Galiher's Thanksgiving Turkey. I don't know if Hank was delivering the turkey, guarding the turkey or claiming the turkey in this picture! Whatever it is it looks like Hank was taking his job seriously...

It is Thanksgiving Day in the USA again. Today is set aside to pause and thank God for his blessings in our lives and in our nation. We ought to live in thankfulness but this day we thank Him collectively. May God bless you as you spend time with family, eat a good meal and take time to have a grateful heart...

Happy Thanksgiving from Hank the West Plains Church dog and from all of us here at Boggs Family Ministries. We are thankful for many things including all of you that take time to read this blog and pray for our family and ministry...

Davy, Kelly and Odie Boggs


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to the Boggs Family! I am truly thankful for your friendship through the years. Although we don't cross paths as much as I would like, you encourage me with your blog, blogging comments and our occasional phone conversations.

    On a personal note: Tab and Anson are making plans to move to West Plains! Their focus of ministry has changed least location wise. They have been asked to help start a Bible School in South Sudan, Africa (OBI South Sudan). They are going in August for three weeks to get everything set up and then going back for 4-6 month terms. We are excited for the way God is leading them! Please keep them in your prayers.

    Again...Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Happy thanksgiving! Love you all!


    Ashlee, Kari and Malachi

  3. Thanks Bro. Scott.

    Thanks to you too Sis. Ashlee. We sure would love to see you all.

    That's huge news, Bro. Ray. God bless them for their willingness to serve Jesus. We will be praying.


  4. From the Ghost of Thanksgiving past... Hope my traveling friends enjoy a great Thanksgiving. Hank would have wanted it that way ! smile... Love, Sis. G

    1. You made us cry, Sis. G! We miss Hank! Oh, and we miss you all too!

      Davy, Kelly and Odie


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