
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Miami Missionary Tent Company

Yesterday (Wednesday) I visited Miami Missionary Tent Company and the tent is now being scheduled for production.

I had a great visit with Mr. David Tromsness and worked out the final details on the tent. I had to order it in December to lock in the price but I wanted to be there to personally go over some ideas before they built it. He is now working it into the production schedule and it should be completed by the week of February 13th. You folks know I am excited about this tent and yesterday only heightened that excitement. Walking into that place, smelling the vinyl, putting my hands on tents, stakes and poles made me hungry to raise that tent and preach the gospel.

That is really what this is all about. It is NOT about Davy Boggs and whether or not I can sing or preach or stir up a crowd. It is NOT about Boggs Family Ministries and whether or not some one has a good opinion of what we are doing. It is NOT about having a new tent or bigger tent or better tent.

It IS about winning souls in each and every way God makes available to us. It is plain to us and our ministry board and to others who advise us that God is leading us down this path for the time being and we are all excited about the souls that were saved last summer under the tent and excited about the souls that are going to be saved under this tent!

I praise God for this new tool for us to use to win souls!

I praise God for every church, Pastor and community that has invited us to set up this tent and to preach to their friends, family and neighbors.

I praise God for every person last year that drove at stake, held a pole, tightened a strap or carried water to those that did!

I praise God for the Millikin Family joining us for four weeks last summer and the three weeks they are planning to spend with us this summer. They were and always are a tremendous blessing and asset!

I praise God for every person that helped to carry the load financially last year and to those that have committed to do so this year.

I praise God for Pastor Phillip Sanders and Faith Church in Salem, Kentucky for bearing the load in buying this new tent. I praise God for Israel Sanders leading that effort and feeling the burden for us.

(You can read about God's provision and direction concerning this new tent HERE and HERE.)

I praise God for each person that is praying for us and cheering us on.

I praise God for my wife following me in this wild and crazy adventure.

I give glory and honor to God for helping us in every aspect of these tent revivals. The planning, logistics and finances of all this is way to much for me. It hurts my little brain to think about it all but God has blessed every step of way!

Can you tell I am just a little bit excited? Yep, I am and I plan to stay that way! We have a long year ahead of us. We have a lot of work to do in addition to our regular revivals and our commitment to missions but I am thrilled at the prospect of each new day and opportunity. I can not wait to see what God is going to do in lives!

I will be writing more about this in the coming weeks. I will be sharing with you my plans and prayer request as well as keeping you up to date with our progress. Thanks for reading and praying for us. God bless you every one!



  1. I am excited for you as you prepare for this tent Davy. I pray the Lord will continue to richly bless you and the ministry there.

    David Tromsness
    Miam Missionary Tent

  2. Thank you, Mr. Tromsness. The tent goes up for the first time in just over three weeks! I can hardly wait....


  3. Sound like the tent ministry is going well. I pray the Lord will continue to richly bless you and the ministry there. In Christ, David Tromsness

    Check out our new website


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