We are only about 2 weeks from the completion of the tent we ordered from Miami Missionary Tent Company and yesterday I ordered 200 chairs for the tent. Who needs 200 lightweight folding chairs? Me, apparently...
The chairs are $8.85 each when ordered in bulk so 200 chairs comes to $1770. Shipping by a freight carrier that will ship to a place without a loading dock is $284.84. That comes to $2018.84 or just under $10.10 per chair. Not too bad considering some of the early quotes I received for good chairs and these seem to be good chairs that will be light and small enough to carry.
We have had $600 come in for the chairs in the last few days. One couple gave $100 and Bro. Tim and Sis. Sarah Hopkins from Miami, Oklahoma gave $500 toward the chairs. That gives us $950 and that will cover 95 of the 200 chairs. I will have about 30 days to pay on a cash basis and I am sure we will have the rest by then. Praise God for his provision and the faith he gives us to operate. He has pointed us in the direction of tent revivals and He is well able to provide the necessary resources! God has certainly done it so far! Thank you Bro. Tim and Sis. Sarah for your sacrificial giving that lifted a big burden from us. I know God will bless you.
I am having the chairs shipped to Pastor Scott Morris in Richton, Mississippi. He has been so kind to allow our tent trailer to park there over the winter so that's where I need the chairs to go. I hope to coordinate the shipping so that the chairs arrive while I am in the area the last week of February. I want to be there in order to inspect them and load them in the trailer. I should find out shipping arrangements in a few days. If I am not there, Bro. Morris will handle it for me. He has been a super help in the whole tent revival effort.
Which color chair did I order? Was there ever any question?

Some of the churches we are taking the tent to this summer and fall are preparing even now for God to do a work in their communities. They are fasting, praying and working in anticipation of souls being brought into the kingdom of God. They are as excited as I am and I believe God will honor their labor and preparation. There is really no telling what God is going to do. Please pray that God will save, heal and deliver in these tent revivals!
Revival is going wonderful at South Mission Holiness and Pastor Leon Rich this week. We will have more pictures from there I am sure. God bless you all...
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