
Sunday, March 25, 2012

The New Tent Goes Up For The First Time

The new tent went up for the first time Saturday in Citronelle, Alabama. Pastor Gaylon Conningham, Pastor Darius Templeton and their folks worked hard to raise the tent. Aside from a few badly timed, strong wind gusts everything went smooth. For the first time putting this tent up, I believe it went up extremely well.

We plan to begin at 6:00 tonight. Please pray for God's anointing, conviction for the sinners, encouragement for the saints and good weather all week including next Saturday. I know God hears and answers prayers!

These pictures are not in order because some are from Odie's phone and some are from mine. I am sure I will be posting more about the tent revival. This morning I am supposed to preach at Cedar Creek for Bro. Templeton. God bless you all.



  1. The tent looks great!!! Can't wait to have church under the tent soon!!!

  2. Man-O-man....I wish I was there.

    I wish so badly someone could "U-stream" these services. How excited you all must be to get this tent revival started. Just a little over 3 hours from this comment, you will be doubt you're already there preparing and anxiously setting up.

    May God bless you, you're family, and the churches involved for all the hard work. Lots and lots of prayer and preparation (and lets not forget $$$) has went into this, for this night to happen. We will be praying for you and the services this week.

    Looking for you to post a couple videos this week, if possible.


  3. That tent set up with the chairs inside is truly a beautiful sight! We are praying that you have a harvest of souls this "season".

    God Bless!

  4. Beautiful tent! I love you all! Deborah


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