Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I hope everyone is having a good week. Today, Wednesday,
was a quiet day for me. I enjoy a day around the house with Mamaw and Papaw. We always find something to laugh about.

Being at either grandparents house I see lots of pics of years gone by. My cousins pulled this one out the other day. It was August 1991 I was 5 years old. I was the flower girl in Uncle Danny and Jeanna's wedding.
I hope you enjoy a view into my past.

Also I want to congratulate Uncle Tommy who began is first RN job this week.


  1. awe you look sooo cute!! :)

    *adriene belt

  2. Interviews are going great, Odie. THE list is getting shorter every day!
    Do you realize that you have posted more to the blog the last 10 days than you have in 2 1/2 years? Awesome!

    Davy & Kelly Jo

    1. Haha Dad!! I didn't know they had wifi in space. How is the filming of you show and exercise video going?

      I've enjoyed blogging. Don't worry I let you do it again when you get back.


  3. We all MISS YOU Davy & Kelly.....Hurry home.

    Thank you Odie.

    Love you guys.
    Uncle T~


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