
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Scoop on the New Black Chairs

Do you remember the blog post when I asked your opinion about buying black chairs or white chairs for the tent? You can refresh your memory HERE.

As you can read in the comments to that and subsequent posts, black was the overwhelming choice for chair color for a variety of reasons. We ordered 200 black chairs and some of those reasons proved true the very first time we used them.

The black chairs are definitely going to hide scratches and normal wear and tear better than white chairs. Although most believed the white chairs would have looked better under the new tent initially, I must admit the black look pretty good too.

Here is a picture of them under the tent.

Here they are stacked in the trailer for the first time.

There is one problem that we noticed last week that we never experienced with the white chairs. The birds in Citronelle loved to roost on the seat backs of our new black chairs. While roosting they would leave their deposits in the chairs. We were wiping down 10-20 chairs every night and shooing birds away all day.

It was a mess but fortunately for you we did not take any pictures. Any ideas? Any suggestions?

Anyway, it's all pretty funny.


1 comment:

  1. Absolutely, I have an idea. Get you a couple plastic "Owls" to hang from the sides of the tent. Birds and other pest will leave you alone...guaranteed!


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