
Friday, May 18, 2012

Long Day, But Blessed of God!

Blogger did an update over the last several weeks and now it will not let me format correctly from my iPhone. No matter what I do my paragraphs all run together. I can fix it from my laptop IF I have Internet but this week I do not. IF it looks like one big run-on paragraph, I apologize.

We only drove about 250 miles but yesterday was a long day with all sorts of potential for stress and disaster. EVERYTHING went smoothly and we thank God for it.

1. I have had difficulty getting the bus out of Bro. Webb's on two previous visits. Their parking lot exit is plenty wide but the road is narrow.

I had Kelly Jo back onto the road while I spotted and we had no problem at all.

2. The small roads from Princeton to Marion to Salem and Bro. Sanders church to pick up the tent trailer are not bus friendly but we sailed right through.

3. The narrow Smithland bridge is always stressful but not this time. No oncoming traffic until the very end and that little car waited until I was passed.

4. The Ledbetter bridge is closed to heavy vehicles and the BoggsMobile and trailer qualifies even without me in it!

We were detoured with the bus and trailer at Smithland down a very curvy stretch of road meeting all the oncoming trucks that were following the detour too.

All went very well. We did meet one very wide load but thankfully we passed safely in a straight stretch. An interesting note: This is the road we were on when we hit a deer with the General on the 13th day we owned it. Yesterday was the 13th day we owned the Green Machine, Greengo, Frog or whatever its name is but no deer this time!

5. The chairs in the trailer had shifted slightly when I pulled from Georgia to Kentucky in April. I had to unload all of those yesterday evening and determine the problem.

No avalanche of chairs burying me to me neck so that was a success as well.

I dropped the trailer in the parking lot at Paducah Holiness Church and parked the bus in the regular spot. Pastor Futral moved it into the right position for the tent later in the evening.

Today I will work on the 243 things that need to be completed before the tent goes up and tomorrow the Big Gospel Tent should be in the air!

I appreciate Pastor Phillip Sanders and his church allowing me to park the trailer at his church the last month or so. That was a big blessing.

Please pray that all goes well the next few days. We must have the help of the Lord. God bless you all.



  1. Praying for you all!! Wish Paducah wasn't so far away from us!

  2. i have family in those areas of kentucky!! :)

    adriene b.


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