
Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Tent is Up in Paducah, Kentucky

We have never had such a hard time driving stakes as we did Saturday but thanks to the hard work of all the men that came the stakes were driven in and the tent went up without a hitch. Kelly Jo teases me because I am usually a little obsessive about the angle and depth of the stakes but I am just glad to have them in the ground this week.

Praise God the tent is up and we are ready to begin revival tonight. Now that the setup is behind us I am so ready for the Lord to begin to move. Please pray that God draws men and women under the tent as He has each tent revival and that they will surrender to the work of God in their lives.

The weather looks good with a chance of rain only one day. That may change 10 times before tomorrow but God knows exactly what we need. We will keep you posted. I hope you enjoy the pictures...


Thank God for a great crew this week. They really worked hard.

These pictures are from Odie's iPhone...


  1. I see a lot of sledge hammers. Did the jack-hammer not work?
    Thanks for the great pictures.

  2. Ground was so tough that we broke the attachment on the jack hammer. While it was being welded they beat most the rest of them in with sledge hammers. It was tough!


  3. Looks like a "Whole lotta sweatin' goin' on!" I worked for a mobile home sales business in West Plains for one week after I graduated from high school. We drove the anchor rods in by hand but Mr. Joplin greased the stakes with heavy grease before driving them in. It seemed to help and he had been setting up mobile homes for many years. The only drawback was dealing with the messy grease.

    On another note...I have been away from my blog for awhile and just published the comment about the tree (BTW you identified it correctly). I just can't seem to come up to your level of posting every day!!!

    God Bless You'all!


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