
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sedgwick County Jail

The last six revivals here in Wichita I have been blessed with the privilege to preach a few days in the Sedgwick County Jail. This week I am preaching there twice.

The service today was at 9:30. Tomorrow I will preach to a different crowd at 1:00. This morning the men were a little more subdued than normal during the worship but God really helped during the preaching.

I love preaching to these guys so much. Today they pulled the preaching out of me. They responded in the altar with so much feeling. It's amazing when those sin hardened inmates hug me afterwards with tears running off their faces.

I know that once these guys are in the system it is so hard to change their ways. The rate of reoffenders is super high but a relationship with Christ gives them a chance. God can break the chains in the hearts of men and set them free even while in jail.

Praise God for the power of the gospel! That power is the reason I am willing to spend and be spent for the gospel. To touch a life with the message of hope in Jesus is to breathe life into soul that would otherwise die in hopelessness. What an amazing privilege I have.

I thank God He has called me to reach others for Him. Would you pray that God would strengthen me and empower me to be an effective soul winner for Him?


1 comment:

  1. Jail ministry is wonderful...I think seeing the tears of those hardened souls make it worthwhile! Praying for you!


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