
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hershey Drops 'Round Us Are Falling

Just in case any of you are worried about it (And I am sure some of you are) my supply of Chocolate is doing very well.

Bro. Jon and Sis. Heidi's two oldest girls, Alayna and Alivya, hand delivered two bags of Hershey Drops to the BoggsMobile this week. They are my new best friends!

Of course I do not want to overlook Sis. Heidi's Amish Friendship Bread. Wow! Melt some real butter on that stuff and it is near heavenly! She is very high on my list of friends as well!

Combine all of that with Bro. Jon's Chili and all the rest of the food that folks have brought this week and I may not be able to sweat any pounds off during this tent revival! But I am blessed with lots of friends!

Tent Revival is going great. The weather is perfect and we have had visitors from the community each night. God has been helping and I know he will continue to do so.

I mentioned the other day that my allergies have been mild the last couple of years. If I had waited one day I would not have written that at all. They have kicked in with a vengeance since then.

Tis the Season to be Sneezin'! Wow! Please pray for me. It is a challenge to keep my voice with all this going on.

But at least I have plenty of chocolate!



  1. Whew! That's such a relief knowing you have plenty of chocolate! Sister Brenda brought me two bags of Herr's Hot Dog flavored chips the other night so...I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing!!!


  2. I have in my possession a picture of you and another brother holding those Hot Dog flavored chips. I need to post it for the world to see. I am so glad your Pastor is feeding you well!


  3. Hey...If posting that picture of me and Terry Bowling will bring in more chips, you just feel free to post it!



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