
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Pray For Kari

Our sweet friend Kari is having a rough time. She has been in the hospital for over a week.

I don't understand all that's going on with her. I think even the family and doctors don't know what to do for her.

Ashlee just text me as I am typing this. They had a rough night. Thankfully Kari's ANC count it up right now. They have only had 2 fevers in the last 24hrs. Kari has 3 different things working against her at this point.

We serve a God that can heal her sound and well. This little girl and her family are special to us. I want to see a miracle!!!! Please join me in prayer for the Noe family!!!


1 comment:

  1. MAY THE HEALING POWER OF CHRIST FLOW UNTO KARI. BE HEALED OF ALL SICKNESSES IN JESUS NAME. AMEN. AS REGARDS NIGERIA UPDATE; Evang. Boggs preached from Luke 18: 18 -27, where Jesus spoke of difficulty for a rich man to enter God's kingdom due to strong affection for wealth/riches than God. He emphasized Christ statement that WHAT IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH MAN IS POSSIBLE WITH GOD, attested to by the salvation on Zacheau who was a rich man. Evang. Boggs emphasized the fact that there are MANY things which are impossible for the natural nan, but ALL ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD. The message ended with alter call for salvation in which some members of Osara community responded to, and Pastor Ade Shobanke prayed for the people's salvation. This was followed by prayer for miracles/deliverance by Pastor Ade Shobanke.


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