
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Lighthouse Holiness Tabernacle - Shreveport, Louisiana

Several years ago Bro. Stacy Holden began pioneering a church in Shreveport, Louisiana. To their knowledge there is not another conservative Pentecostal church in the Shreveport area. They have rented buildings and are now in the process of trying to build a church of their own. They have experienced miracle after miracle to bring them to the point they are now. Their land is paid for and their building is very near completion on the outside.

They have not been able to do anything at all on the inside of the building. Bro. Terry Coker from the Fairland Holiness Church near Fouke, AR (This is Bro. Stacy Holden's home church) is trying to raise $100,000 to go toward completion of the inside of the church. He is holding a 20 mile bike-a-thon on April 13th in an effort to raise these funds. He is contacting churches in their area and many have already pledged to participate. As of yesterday (March 19) $25,000 has been committed to the bike-a-thon.

This has only been in the works 4-5 days so $25,000 is a huge start. With that kind of momentum I can definitely see Bro. Coker meeting or even exceeding his goal. I appreciate Bro. Coker's vision and zeal to help this young church complete their building without being saddled with a big debt. Kelly Jo, Odie and I have always had a heart for new churches and we plan to do our part to help them meet or beat this goal.

Whether you could sponsor a rider for $1 a mile, $5 a mile or $1000 a mile, I know that every donation will be a help. You can send donations for the bike-a-thon to the Fairland church address below. I have been assured that 100% of the money will go toward buying the materials necessary to complete the inside of the church building. It is amazing what each one doing a little can do. I will be sure to pass on the final total in the weeks to come.


Please make sure to mark your donations for the bike-a-thon.
Fairland Holiness Church
PO Box 575
Fouke, AR 71837

Pastor Stacy Holden
Lighthouse Holiness Tabernacle
P.O. Box 19098
Shreveport, LA 71149

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