Saturday after the visitation we went to Frisch's with my parents, Kelly Jo's parents and some of the rest of the family. It was nice to relax for a little while with our families.

Sunday morning we sang and preached at Anchor of Hope where Annette's funeral was later in the day. We will be preaching revival here June 12, 13 and 14 but Pastor Bill Lamb asked me to preach so I did my best to do it. We really had a wonderful time and great altar service.
The crowd Saturday night for the funeral visitation and Sunday for the funeral was huge. It was amazing how many people attended. Annette was well loved. The Lord moved and comforted her family and friends in a very sweet way.
Annette and Davy on April 30.
The procession toward the cemetery left about 6:00 PM. We spent the rest of the evening hanging out with family, eating and catching up with old friends. It was a sad day but we felt blessed and honored to be here.
The crowd cleared completely out about 10:00 Sunday night and we moved the bus over into the spot reserved for RVs at the church. It was a long weekend and I slept good when it was over.
Today Kelly Jo and I worked quite a while washing the BoggsMobile and the tent trailer. It has rained just about every day that we have traveled recently. Plus in Virginia and in Indiana we were parked on gravel. The more it rained the more mud was sloshed up every where. Everything was so dirty but it looks a lot better now.
Tonight we attended another funeral visitation for a lady that I was raised with at Dodd's church. Jenny Relliford was a precious down's syndrome girl and she lived to be 48 years old. Her family was telling me that the doctors never expected her to live past 12 years old. She beat that by 36 years. I am glad we were home and could be there for her.
Afterward we went to Acapulco with Dad, Mom, Steve, Karen, Deidre and Lisa Isaacs. It was so good as usual.
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