
Monday, July 29, 2013

Let's Buy Some Bibles


Many of you are familiar with our dear friends Bro. and Larry and Sis. Rosemary Landress. To say that they have went out of their way to be exceptional friends to us might be the understatement of the year. These friends have believed in us when few people did and we are blessed and grateful to know them.

Bro. and Sis. Landress have given many years to mission work among the Spanish speaking people. That work continues to this day. In fact as I have mentioned before, we are planning to join them for a tent revival in the state of Chiapas, Mexico later this year.

In addition to all of the physical work of evangelism, tent meetings, building churches, feeding and clothing folks and much, much more that is involved in mission work, Bro. Larry has touched thousands of lives through their literature ministry. They have distributed thousands of tracts, booklets, pieces of Sunday School literature and many thousands of Bibles.

They have contracted with a company to print some great Bibles in the best version available for Spanish speaking people. Bro. Larry wrote of it recently in their newsletter and I am so excited about it that I asked them if I could reprint it here on our blog.

I told you that these folks believe in us. Well, the feeling is mutual. I believe in the Landress family and the work they are doing in Mexico and beyond. I believe they are making a wise choice to print these Bibles. I believe it enough to put my money where my mouth is. Boggs Family Ministries will be sending an offering for these Bibles. I believe God's people will make up the difference that they need.

I also believe this should be an ongoing thing. Bro. Larry will need at least a few thousand of these each year. Plus there are other missionaries and ministries that could distribute this version combined with the concordance once they know it is available.

It is not that there are no economy Bibles available or very nice leather Bibles available. But as you will read below there is a great need for an inexpensive yet durable study Bible in a reliable version. Bro. Larry is burdened to meet that need.

Will you join us in making God's Word available to the masses in the language they understand? I hope Tyndale's quote below will stir you as it did me.

I will allow Bro. Larry to take over from here...


Dear Friends, 

Many of you know that I have been studying Bible versions for over 30 years. This long term study has led me to know exactly why I believe in the exclusive use of the King James Version in my English work and in the Reina Valera Gomez Version for my work in Spanish speaking countries. 

I have been giving free economy Spanish Bibles to all that ask of me for over 22 years and trying to supply good leather bound Bibles to our Pastors and workers. These economy Bibles have cost us anywhere from nothing to about $6.00 each and we have distributed about 2,000 per year for a long time. 

I made the choice many years ago to not sell Bibles but to carefully and prayerfully give them to all who asked of me. God has richly blessed that choice and supplied all our need according to His riches in glory. We have always been able to give to anyone who wanted a Bible whether it was a tent meeting, a prison or a street service in the USA or Mexico . We have sent Bibles to 10 other Spanish speaking countries besides Mexico and have received many letters of testimony through our literature ministry called “Holiness Without Borders”. 

For the last few years we have seen a need that has gone unmet, many of the people who received Christ through our ministry and others are striving daily to “study to shew themselves approved unto God” but don’t have all the tools they need. As you know, a good concordance is a great help to the earnest child of God and our economy Bibles don’t have one. Of course all the leather Bibles do, but they cost us from $35.00 to $50.00, much too expensive to be able to give to all who ask. 

 I have recently contracted with an overseas printer to make us a vinyl covered, smith sewn Bible on good quality bible paper in the RVG version for only $6.50 each. I have seen the quality of these Bibles and it is really nice. Our Bible will be called a study Bible because it will contain a 122 page concordance especially made for the RVG Bible. In order to get this special printing we had to order 3,000 Bibles. By September of this year I will need to have $19,500 to pay the printing company. 

I have prayed about this and am convinced that God is in favor of this project. We already have about $3,600 in hand and more has been promised. Will you pray for this need and consider helping if the Lord asks you to do so? 

William Tyndale was burned at the stake saying for this, 

I defy the pope and all his laws. If God spare my life, ere many years I will cause a boy that driveth the plough to know more of the scripture than he dost.” 

 If this generation will be able to know the true Gospel of Jesus Christ in the midst of all the deceiving religions of this present world, our only hope is that everyone from beggar to King know the truth of the Word of God for themselves. 

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 
John 8:32
Larry Landress

Holiness in Mexico is a 501c3 organization.
You offering may be tax deductable.
Mark your offering as Bibles and it will be used for that purpose

Holiness in Mexico
Larry and Rosemary Landress
PO Box 717
Pauls Valley, Ok73075

1 comment:

  1. Great post! We will be making this a matter of prayer.
    Rick Simpson


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