
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

GoodNews Christian School - Abeokuta, Nigeria

Nigeria Posts

As I posted earlier today we arrived back in Pensacola safely and had a very good trip. We rested a few hours today and then had a great visit and meal with Pastor Deane and his family. We are quickly winding down again this evening so I hope we can sleep normally tonight.

We had a wonderful visit Monday at the Good News Christian School. We always love going to the school.

We have believed in and supported the school since the very day Bro. Shobanke shared his vision with me about it. What a great opportunity to change young lives for eternity.

This trip we wanted to take them some school supplies since we had the extra room in our luggage. We were in Sweeney, Texas when it was time to buy everything and Pastor Larry Lamb and the Full Gospel Lighthouse gave all of the money to do it.

We took 200 pens for the students, nice pens for Sis. Ruth and Sis. Rebecca, pads of paper, folders various flash cards, a small dry erase board, dry erase makers and several other little things we thought they might need.

Kelly Jo with Sis. Ruth and Sis. Rebecca, Bro. Shobanke's daughters.

We also asked them to let us know what supplies they could use in the future. Once we have a better handle on that we will share that information here on the blog.

Sis. Rebecca and Sis. Ruth both have degrees in education and carry on the vision of the school. They actually volunteer while others are paid. They willingly serve the Lord and the wonderful children. We felt a burden last December to help with money for their salary. We left money then, sent more this summer and took more again this week.

We are not supplying everything they deserve but we would like to contribute all we can. Bethany Revival Center in Wichita, Kansas and Pastor Barry Gautreaux from Pine Prairie had a part in that this time. If you would like to help with that in the future, let us know.

We visited each classroom and then met with the whole student body in the church. They had worship service with two very young ladies leading the singing. Kelly Jo captured some of it with her iPad so I hope to be able to post it here later.

I sang one song with them and then talked to them for a few minutes. While I was praying for them the Holy Ghost visited us in a special way. I felt like the Lord was so near. I believe He heard every word from their little lips and hearts. It was a memorable moment for me.

After pictures they presented us with a plaque and it brought me to tears. They are so very precious.

Then it was candy time! Everybody received two suckers and we had extras to leave with the leaders for the future. As I said, it was a wonderful visit. It really was a highlight of our trip.

I hope you enjoy all of the pictures from the school.


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