
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Three Prayer Requests

Three Prayer Requests

Savanna Coffman

My first cousin, Mike Coffman, has a daughter that had a heart transplant yesterday. She has really been through it. Savanna had a heart transplant a few years ago and in recent weeks that heart had failed. They first put her on a heart pump then last week implanted an artificial heart. Sunday night they were told that a heart had become available and by Monday afternoon the heart was in and working good. She has a long ways to go so please pray for Savanna Coffman and her family.

Pastor James Link

Some of you may recognize the name of Pastor James Link. We have preached three revivals for him the last few years including a tent revival on the site of their new church in Neosho, Missouri last fall. Bro. Link noticed severe problems with his heart on Saturday and has been in the hospital ever since. He was scheduled for open heart surgery Wednesday but after a bad night they took him into surgery this morning (Tuesday). (Update: Bro. Link came through surgery well. Praise God.)

To complicate things even further, Bro. Link and his congregation just sold their existing church building and need to be out of it in three weeks. The new building is not ready yet and they have decisions to make and lots of work to do in a short time. Please pray for Bro. Link, his wife and family and all of the folks at Victory Assembly in Neosho.

The Mitch Boggs Family in Missouri

Our friends in Missouri had a fire on their property Sunday morning. They had a large building with a gym and a huge meeting area for their large family. A kitchen and shop building were attached. The fire broke out in the gym building and it is a total loss. The kitchen and shop were badly damaged as well and if I understand correctly they will have to be replaced too.

Their church, Stone Bible Chapel, is just down the road. They had torn down the church and are in the process of building a new church. While building the church they were having church in the gym so they lost all of their church stuff too. Thankfully nobody was injured but this is a great loss for the family and the church. 

They have been so good to help others build and also rebuild after tragedies and I am confident that God is mindful of the turmoil in their lives right now. Please pray for our friends the Mitch Boggs Family.

Revival continues to go well in Weir, Kansas. We are having a super great time with our friends.


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