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We had a full weekend and enjoyed every minute of it. I have been working on a few bus projects and Saturday I was trying to button up some of those projects. Here it is Tuesday and I am still trying to wrap them up. Saturday evening Dad and Mom rode with us to Highway of Holiness in Hamilton. Bro. and Sis. Bowling were there in revival and we wanted to visit one night.
We really enjoyed the preaching and the whole service. Bro. Bowling preached outstanding. We have always loved visiting the Highway. When we were living in Ohio full time in the 90's we used to go there quite a bit. In fact we used to try to go every other Saturday night. Pastor L.L. Collins and his folks were a great encouragement to us through the years.
Bro. Collins has been retired for several years and is in poor health but it was great to see him again. Sis. Collins passed away recently and I am sure that has been bad blow. Bro. Collins was praising God and having church just like I expected him to. Consistency and faithfulness are traits that he is known for and are fine qualities for us to emulate.
Pastor Jerry Pascarella is doing a great job at Highway. God has certainly placed him there and is using him. He is a mighty fine preacher and it took a mighty fine preacher to follow Bro. Collins. Bro. Pascarella always goes out of his way to make us feel right at home and we do. It was great to see him and his family too.
Sunday morning we were at Dryden Rd, our home church. Bro. Bennie was teaching about Heaven in Sunday School and it seemed like God brought a little taste of it right down to us. Bro. Bennie had asked me to preach Sunday morning so the preaching was not up to par with the Sunday School teaching but I sure felt good trying. We did have a good altar service and I am always thankful for that.
If we do not eat with somebody from church we usually slip down to Acapulco on Sunday afternoons but I had a hankering for Chinese food. My brother Tommy had taken us to a Chinese buffet down on Tylersville Rd. a year or two ago and that is where we went. It was very good and scratched my Chinese itch just fine.
Pastor Acy Lamb invited me to preach at Corwin Sunday night. We had a really good service there as well and God seemed to encourage folks in the altar. One testimony especially encouraged me and I was thankful to hear it.
We finished the weekend off with a little salad and fruit at Frisch's in Lebanon. I think at least one person from every Pentecostal church in Warren County goes to Frisch's on Sunday night after church. It must be a law. It is an easy way to fellowship with all your kinfolks and people you have known for years and do it all while sitting in one place. We had a great time.
That was our full weekend. Monday started and ended on a run and it will pretty much be that way until we leave town Wednesday or Thursday by His grace. Pastor Douglas Meadow is preaching a youth revival at out home church and we were there last night. We plan to be there again tonight and I will try to post some pictures if I can snap some. Bro. Meadow preached outstanding Monday.
God bless you all and enjoy the pictures.
Odie and Sis. Bowling