I had a little fun yesterday for April Fool's Day. Can you believe that's me Bungee Jumping in the picture below?

(Nope, that's not me. That is Zack Conner.)
Tuesday was an absolutely beautiful day in east Tennessee. The sky was clear, the temperature was warm and the sun was bright. Every day should be just like this!

(Nope, that's not me. That is Zack Conner.)
Tuesday was an absolutely beautiful day in east Tennessee. The sky was clear, the temperature was warm and the sun was bright. Every day should be just like this!
Tuesday was really our first whole day off of the year except for a few unexpected snow days when we were not able to have church. Tuesday I had no driving to do, no preaching or singing to do and I ignored all the bus projects calling my name. I spent the day taking care of some correspondence and research concerning future tent revivals. With nothing else pressing me I really got a lot completed on my day off. Today I hope to do more of the same.
Kelly Jo and Odie shopped a little in the late afternoon and then we met Bro. and Sis. Gautreaux for a late supper. They are here a little early for PFYC along with about 500 other people we know. Odie is trying to take pictures of all the folks that we visit with Before the conference even starts. She should have quite a few pictures. We had supper Monday night with the Conners from Tulsa.
Thank you for praying for my good friend, Pastor Scott Morris. God has really given him and his family a miracle this week. The Doctor was sure there was a bad blockage and he was very near a full fledged heart attack Saturday night. The heart cath Monday showed only a 30-40% blockage in one artery. (Not enough to justify a stint according to the Dr.) They did a chemical stress test Tuesday and his heart looks great. We know God has been working for Bro. Scott to be so much improved. Praise God! This whole situation could have turned out much, much worse if not for the hand of the Lord.
I hope you have a super great day. Thanks for reading.
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