
Monday, April 21, 2014

Odie - We Are Making Progress

We seem to be making some progress. We are making NO progress in finding proper medical care. The neurologist that Odie was referred to by the ER doctor does not accept Odie's insurance. She spent several hours on the phone Monday trying to find somebody to see her. She talked to the insurance company, her primary doctor, the ER, the person at the hospital that coordinates patient care and many, many individual doctor's offices. She still has a lead or two to follow up on but so far nothing.

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However, God IS helping. I was working on the bus this evening when Pastor Darrell Toliver called to check on us and Odie. I was in the middle of saying to him, "If this is a direct attack of the enemy..." and Bro. Toliver said, "Davy, it is a direct attack of the devil. I knew it from the very first text you sent me." He went on to expand on his point and I knew he was giving me a Word from the Lord for us.

I understand that we live in frail human bodies that are affected by 6000 years of the cumulative affects of sin. Our bodies are literally dying from the day we are born. We can expect sickness and disease because we are human. We also know that some afflictions can be attacks of the devil. When Bro. Toliver was talking to me I feel like it was confirmed to me this is more spiritual than physical.

Now, I know that I have a very wide range of readers on this blog and you come here from all sorts of varied backgrounds and beliefs. The idea of satan or even God having an active interest in our lives is completely foreign to many. But we believe in a real God that loves us and cares for us and is concerned for us. We believe in a real devil that is interested in destroying everything good, Godly and spiritual. We believe that Christians are allowed to be tested and tried (Job). We also believe that God can sustain us through these trials and tests and give us victory in the end. Maybe that gives everybody a little foundation for what I am telling you.

By this time in my conversation with Bro. Toliver we had loaded up in the Green Machine. Kelly Jo was driving, Odie was in the passenger seat and I was behind her.With this new sense of direction in prayer. I laid hands on Odie and passed the phone to her as Bro. Toliver, Kelly Jo and I prayed for her. As we praised God and rebuked the devil and his evil plan we could feel victory rising up within us. We could sense that we were now praying according to the will of God and He was helping us tremendously.

And help us He did!

By the time we reached Waynesville and we began to get out of the car, Odie could perceive some outline of the trees across the road in her extreme peripheral vision. She has been thinking she was gaining a little peripheral vision since Friday afternoon but she has been afraid she might be wishful thinking. The improvement this evening was out of the other corner of her eye so she knew it is an improvement.

When we arrived back at the BoggsMobile, Kelly Jo opened up her vision chart on her iPad and put Odie to the test again as she has several time over the last week. Odie has not been able to see a letter 8 inches tall right in front of her left eye. Not at all. But tonight for the first time Odie could make out some of the bigger letters on the chart looking straight ahead. It is nothing you could call real sight yet, but it is a definite improvement. Praise God. We have been rejoicing in the bus tonight!

To sum it all up, we now are convinced this is a spiritual attack and we are praying to that end. We know God is able. Hallelujah! We heard a Word from the Lord and experienced a move of God this evening. We are already seeing some improvement and we are expecting a complete miracle and restoration of sight for Odie. We realize we may be in this for a long hall but we are fighting with God on our side and that is exactly what we need to win no matter how long the battle. 

Please continue to pray for us. Ask God to cover us with mercy and grace and to give us the strength to stand and be courageous. Take the fight to the devil for us! We have received calls, text and emails from all over this country and from other countries. We know that folks are standing with us and praying for us. Preachers from all over have let us know their churches are extremely burdened for Odie and are seriously interceding for her. Praise God. If all these saints are rebuking satan in Jesus name there is no telling what is going to happen.

I believe it is possible that Odie may not only see well again but WALK  right out of this trial before it is concluded! Hallelujah!

God bless you all.



  1. Alabama is praying for Odie and your family.

  2. Glory to God! He's so worthy of worship!
    That is wonderful to hear!


  3. We are praying! I believe everything you have said..we are under a physical/spiritual attack, too. Praying and believing. We love you guys!

  4. Praying in Bond, Ky for Odie ... Love you guys


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