City Reach is the manifestation of our burden for souls in our cities. We desire to join with local churches and ministries to reach people that are not coming into the sanctuaries we have prepared for them. Our choirs have practiced, our preachers have prepared and yet there is a certain number of people that are not coming to hear the message.
They will often come under the tent. When they come under the tent they will hear the message of the Gospel and they will have a chance to respond. When they respond, God will save, heal and deliver. We have witnessed it hundreds of times and now we are witnessing it in our cities.
The post below is the original announcement of City Reach 2016 and some of my reasons and vision for it. For updates on City Reach you can click on these links below. Some of them have links within for more information concerning particular City Reach campaigns. We are so excited about City Reach and others are letting us know they are excited too. We can not wait to see what God is going to do in lives.
Jimmie Radcliffe and City Reach
City Reach Fayetteville Summary
City Reach Richton Summary
City Reach Nashville Report
City Reach Dayton Summary
City Reach Washington DC Canceled
City Reach OKC Summary
News On City Reach Washington DC
City Reach Tulsa Summary
City Reach Ft. Worth Summary
City Reach Atwater Summary
City Reach Phoenix Area Summary
Special Time of Prayer For City Reach
City Reach Phoenix Area - El Mirage, Arizona
Report On New York
City Reach New York City?
Jimmie Radcliffe Truck For City Reach
City Reach Trailer
Report on Planning and Vision Services
Planning and Vision Services For City Reach
Pictures of City Reach Richton
Summary of City Reach Wichita
City Reach Richton
City Reach Newsletter August 2015
Latest City Reach Update February 2015 Update
Today I am announcing a project we are calling City Reach 2016. It is huge news for us and we are glad to be sharing it with you today.
Everybody that knows us well knows we have a burden to take the message of the Gospel to as many as we can. As much as I can know my heart I believe we are willing to spend and be spent to offer hope to those that are hurting. We are now in our 12th consecutive year and 15th year total of full time evangelism, preaching and singing in churches all over America while holding revivals and trying to reach people for Christ.
While pastoring in Kansas many years ago I was challenged to take the Gospel of Christ outside the four walls of the church and hold outreach services for those that were not coming into our churches. Soon I was buying a tent and having services under it whenever possible in partnership with the church I was pastoring.
Through our years of evangelizing we have preached outdoors and under a tent as much as possible. The last three years we have organized and/or conducted or preached dozens of tent revivals and outdoor crusades in several states from Alabama to Montana and in Mexico and Nigeria, West Africa. This year we have tent revivals scheduled from Virginia to California. We have devoted several months each year to tent revivals and the rest of the year we preach revivals in local churches in various states.
We are very thankful for the doors the Lord has opened for us to minister to His people in churches and to reach for the lost under the Gospel tent. We thank God that those doors of opportunity are still very much open to us. We have been greatly blessed.
Yet, I sense God directing us into metropolitan areas to reach for men and women there. My heart is nearly overwhelmed for those that are not coming into our churches that we have built for them or hearing the singing or sermons we have prepared for them.
I have been praying for nearly two years about expanding our tent revivals into larger cities. My board and close friends have been helping me pray about this for several months. Shortly after the first of the year I began to be brave enough to mention my vision publicly. The positive response has been overwhelming.
I believe that God has been preparing our family for this very moment. It is now time to share my vision and my burden with you.
I know there are churches in large cities that share our compassion for souls. I know there are Pastors with a sincere burden to see lost souls saved. I know there are people in these metropolitan areas that desire genuine revival. We want to find those churches and work with them to reach their neighbors, families and friends with the message of the Gospel.
We do Not desire to build a personal following or turn peoples hearts toward us. We desire to work with local churches, recognizing and working under the authority of local Pastors in an effort to bring revival.
We have some resources that the local church may not have. We have a tent that will seat several hundred, a good sound system, a few hundred chairs, the experience to conduct the revivals and a message of faith, hope and salvation for the people that need it. The local churches have a crucial element that we do not have. They have a local presence, a local touch and access to local men and women that need Christ desperately.
Can we work together? Can we do something beautiful in an age of hate and ugliness. Can we bind together in a common cause to see people delivered from the awful bondage and curse of sin? By God’s help I know we can. I and my family are willing to do our part.
I am planning to devote the whole year in 2016 to tent revivals in metropolitan areas. That is why we are calling it City Reach 2016. We want to reach specifically for people in the cities. We have churches that are willing to work with us in Phoenix, Ft. Worth, Atlanta, Nashville and other cities we are praying about. I would also like to go to southern California and a city or two on the Atlantic coast or New England.
I am only booking regular church revivals in January of 2016. I plan to devote the next 10 months of that year to tent revivals in these cities. I envision 10 day to two week tent revivals with the rest of the month spent in preparation, set up, tear down and travel.
This is a huge undertaking. The logistics, work and expense for ten months of this will be tremendous. I have men that are willing to devote time and energy to help with the tent, singing, preparation and follow up. Local churches will help with planning, site preparation, utilities, canvassing, training and much, much more. All of this will require an extraordinary amount of organization. It just about boggles my mind.
During those 10 months I envision needing to hire a brother to help with the tent set up and transportation and other logistics. I have a very good dependable man that is willing to be the man I need. These costs plus the money for lodging, food, fuel, direct expenses of revival and our regular monthly expenses on the road will be several thousand dollars each month. I hesitate to speculate how much but it could easily approach $8-10,000 each month. Some of that will be covered by offerings during the tent revivals but I think it is prudent to have as much of that in store as I can before 2016.
We will also be adding another section of tent to expand seating capacity, more chairs and more sound equipment. These three expenses are probably around $7500. We are also exploring changing the way we transport the tent during City Reach 2016. I am hoping to zero out the transport change by selling our current trailer.
How in the world will we pay for all of this? Well, the devil has been telling me I can not do it. He told me I could not afford tent revivals in the first place. He was absolutely correct as far as he went. I could not afford it but God has provided every dollar and kept us solvent all these years! Where God is guiding I believe God is providing.
One Pastor that we preach for nearly every year has pledged a monthly offering from his family toward City Reach 2016. They have already begun sending it. Since we will not be preaching revival for them in 2016 his church has offered to set aside a week that year to fast and pray while Tent Revival is going on in some other city and to send an offering just like we are there with them in revival. I am overwhelmed by their shared burden with us and their kindness and generosity to us.
They are considering this a home missions effort. The Pastor told me that he believes that God will help them in their local effort to reach out IF they are willing to assist in reaching folks they will never know and never have access too. I believe he is on to something.
I know for sure that when he told me what they were going to do my faith took a flying leap toward God. Maybe, just maybe, I am not crazy after all. God could really be in this!
Another Pastor told me he would like to explore the possibility of going together with a few other churches and sponsor the expenses or half the expenses of one city. All of these things strengthen my resolve to walk through these doors and preach the message of the Gospel to as many people in cities as I can in 2016! I believe God is going to help us.
Bro. Jeremy Spurlock of Maranatha Missions would like to put together a team and help with canvassing for City Reach 2016 in Nashville and possibly another city.
Pastor Phillip Sanders has pledged his church in Salem, Kentucky to help with some of the physical and spiritual load in Nashville.
Evangelist Jimmy Millikin and his family are willing to help in some of the revivals as their schedule allows. We love working with the Millikin's every chance we get.
Pastor Scott Morris would like to join us in a couple of campaigns if it is possible. Bro. Scott would be a great help in the services. He is a tremendous blessing in the altar services and a great personal encouragement to me.
I tell you all of this to let you know that I believe God is stirring others in the same way we are being stirred. I believe God is bringing all of the crucial components into place. Yes, this is all way bigger than me but it is not bigger than God.
We are planning a city wide Tent Revival in Wichita, Kansas with several churches participating in September 2015. That will kind of be a kick off for City Reach 2016. I think that is appropriate since the desire for tent revivals was birthed in my heart in Wichita many years ago.
Will you join us in prayer about City Reach 2016? You might consider bringing your family or church on board to physically help in a revival near you or across the country. Maybe you would like to help with your home missions budget or special offerings. Maybe you could drop us a text, email or comment to let us know you think God is in this.
Call me or send an email if you have questions or encouragement. I love sharing my vision and I am thrilled when others begin to catch fire with me. I would be glad to answer any questions you have about City Reach 2016.
The cost and sacrifice will be great. It will take a huge amount of effort and long term commitment to pull this off. I believe the souls of men are worth it. If I really believe we have what they need to change their sin sick ways I would be a fool to keep it to myself. I refuse to keep quiet. It is like fire shut up in my bones and I can not keep quiet.
Thanks for reading and thanks for praying. Would you share this link in any way you can?
Thank you,
City Reach Washington DC Canceled
City Reach OKC Summary
News On City Reach Washington DC
City Reach Tulsa Summary
City Reach Ft. Worth Summary
City Reach Atwater Summary
City Reach Phoenix Area Summary
Special Time of Prayer For City Reach
City Reach Phoenix Area - El Mirage, Arizona
Report On New York
City Reach New York City?
Jimmie Radcliffe Truck For City Reach
City Reach Trailer
Report on Planning and Vision Services
Planning and Vision Services For City Reach
Pictures of City Reach Richton
Summary of City Reach Wichita
City Reach Richton
City Reach Newsletter August 2015
Latest City Reach Update February 2015 Update
City Reach Washington DC Canceled
City Reach OKC Summary
News On City Reach Washington DC
City Reach Tulsa Summary
City Reach Ft. Worth Summary
City Reach Atwater Summary
City Reach Phoenix Area Summary
Special Time of Prayer For City Reach
City Reach Phoenix Area - El Mirage, Arizona
Report On New York
City Reach New York City?
Jimmie Radcliffe Truck For City Reach
City Reach Trailer
Report on Planning and Vision Services
Planning and Vision Services For City Reach
Summary of City Reach Wichita
City Reach Richton
Latest City Reach Update February 2015 Update
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