Sorry about the mix up on Sunday's post. I thought I posted it Sunday morning before we left for Kentucky but OBVIOUSLY I did not. You know what I did? I forgot! I am a lot like those three German Police Dogs Wendy Bagwell used to tell about. If you are not familiar with that story you need to look it up. It is similar to the Mississippi squirrel revival that Ray Stephens sings about.
Anyway, we went to Kentucky Sunday because of a death in the family. My Dad's uncle passed away on Thursday evening and his viewing was Sunday. Kelly Jo and I followed my parents and my brother Steve to Morehead, Kentucky Sunday morning. We stopped for a great meal at Ponderosa in Maysville, Kentucky. We really enjoyed it. That is the second time Dad and I have eaten there and it has been very good both times.
Sunday evening we went to the viewing and visited with family we had not seen in many years. This is Dad's mother's family and I had not seen most of them since she passed away in 1997. We all just fell right into visiting with different family members. Kelly Jo and I visited with We had a good time talking with him.
The best part of the trip was the meals shared and good times enjoyed with Dad, Mom, Steve and Kelly Jo. I am glad we were close at hand so we could make the trip and make some memories along the way.
The Originals

The Originals
The uncle that died was James Mays. Although he was Dad's uncle he was 6-7 years younger than Dad. His picture has been on the blog before. Dad and I took a day trip to Kentucky last December and one of the stops was to see Uncle James.
He worked in Dayton, Ohio all his adult life and retired back to a beautiful place in Kentucky. He had worked so hard to build and maintain everything and it was so nice. I am glad that Dad took me by to see him and his farm. We never expected him to be gone in six months. He died suddenly and unexpectedly and it reminds us all that we must be prepared for that day. It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Kelly Jo and I got up early to hit the road back to Ohio. I have another bus project going this week and I have not even posted all about last week's bus project. Once I finish this one I will try to sit down and type it all out.
I needed to stop in Cincinnati and look for a part that I needed. We stopped for gas in northern Kentucky and a guy at the pump next to me had a truck repair T-shirt on so I ask him where to go. He gave me some numbers to call and the first place I stopped had the part. I like it when things work out like that!
It is raining now and is supposed to rain all day so who knows how much I will get done today. One thing I would like to do for sure is drink some salsa down at Acapulco in Lebanon, Ohio. I should be able to do that rain or shine.
God bless you all for reading.
The originals?..... Hmmmm:)
I am glad to see that your reading comprehension skills are still good, sis.