
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Pictures From Home And A Story

We had a restful and productive day at Carter Caves State Park. We will have pictures to post and stories to tell later in the week.

I am posting a few pictures from our last week near home while we were in revival at Anchor of Hope and the 4th of July. The first picture is me with my good friend that runs the Acapulco restaurant in Lebanon. He is a good guy and takes care of me while I am home. 

Odie ran into friends at the mall.

On the 4th we visited with some of the family at my Dad's barn and at Acapulco. 

After a great meal for Kelly Jo's birthday on the 3rd we splurged with a little Graeter's ice cream. 

I have a funny story. Kelly Jo and I were out running in the Green Machine near the end of April. We climbed out of the car and a man stopped us and said, "It's probably none of my business but I noticed your tag is expired."

We knew we had bought the new stickers so we were amazed that he was correct. We had driven thousands of miles in no telling how many states for over 3 months on expired tags. In some states that is no big deal but other states are very picky on tag enforcement including Ohio. 

We opened the glove box and there was the registration with the new 2015 sticker waiting to be put on. We put it on right that moment. The old sticker had expired January 16th. 

We were in bad frigid weather that month and we remembered putting the sticker on the bus and deciding to wait for a warmer day for the car sticker. 

Fast forward over three months to the first week of July. I was going through some insurance and registration papers and saw another 2015 sticker. 

What in the world? No! It could not be the BoggsMobile sticker.

Yep, it was the new sticker for the bus that we did not put on after all. There have been way too many winters in Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri that we have had to warm up the license plate with a blow dryer or heat gun to get the sticker to stick. The cold years must have ran together in our frozen brains because Kelly Jo and I both clearly remembered putting the bus sticker on in January. 

You know what we did? We forgot! So here we are installing the new sticker 5 months and 18 days late on July 4th. 

We ought to get a refund for part of the year or something. It is very funny now since I did not get pulled over and given a ticket. 

Now back to food pictures. 

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