
Monday, December 22, 2014

A Terrific Weekend At Home

Yes, this was really a terrific weekend at home. Friday evening and all day Saturday was devoted almost totally to organizing in the barn. Kelly Jo worked many hours with me on that in addition to her cleaning and organizing in the BoggsMobile and going to the laundry. I will have pictures later in the week of some of the results of that work.

Also Friday Dad had helped me trim some trees that could potentially rub the roof of the barn on one side and we piled all the limbs and brush in front of the barn. Kelly Jo helped me drag all of that to the other side and pile it all up for a future fire. Saturday I trimmed the two trees along the drive and Levi, the neighbor boy helped me drag them to the pile.

We took a short break in the early afternoon to meet my brother Steve and his wife Karen for our annual Christmas dinner. Steve and his family takes care of and forward all of our mail while were gone in addition to a bunch of other things they do for us. They have been doing this job for 12 years. Each year we take them to dinner for Christmas.

Almost every year we have went to J. Alexander's. The food is always excellent..

We did remember to take pictures of the food, as you can see, but we were enjoying the company so much that we forgot to take pictures of the people. Never fear, we did get a picture of Steve and Karen Sunday at Acapulco and you will see that below.

Sunday started off very, very cold and pretty much stayed that way the whole day. The sun did shine in the afternoon and that helped tremendously. As I was taking the pictures below it was 24 degrees and I certainly believed it.

Sunday morning we were blessed to attend our home church and to hear our Pastor preach. It was a great service but since we did not get any pictures, I guess you will have to take our word for it.

Here we are! The one and only picture from Acapulco Sunday.

Odie pretty much stays full time with my parents when we are home. We picked her up Sunday and took her to church with us and then she wanted to go to Acapulco for some reason. After she had her belly full she wanted a nap. We only had a couple of hours before church time so she went to the BoggsMobile with us. This was the first time she had every been in the barn on the Lazy OD Ranch!

Here is a picture of Odie coming into the barn for the first time!

After a little rest we made the short trip up to North Dayton and Murlin Heights Pentecostal Church. Pastor Kevin Lloyd had invited us up for a service while we are home and it was our privilege and honor to go. Bro. Lloyd and his folks have been so good to us through the years and we always enjoy being with them.

Odie snapped a few pictures from Murlin Heights.

The temperatures are supposed to warm up the next three days but Tuesday and Wednesday also have a 90% chance of rain. That leaves only today without the serious threat of rain so I am going to try to finish all the outdoor tasks that need to be completed. Hopefully we can wrap up as much as possible. Come to think of it, I better get to work.

I hope you had a great weekend. Thanks for reading.


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