It has been a super great weekend in the south. This picture below is not the only reason it is good to be in the south but it is definitely part of the reason. This was the temperature Sunday morning in our home town. Wind chill was minus 11!
It has also been a great weekend because we were in some great services and we were blessed to see many good friends. Thursday we traveled a little over two hours from Waynesboro, Mississippi to Foster Grove Holiness Church in Mobile, Alabama.
Friday we drove about 40 minutes south to Irvington, Alabama to be in service with Pastor Rusty Johnson and his folks at Lighthouse of Hope. They were in the last day of their Anniversary Campmeeting. We were blessed to hear some great preaching and to visit with a lot of friends.
Including our super great friends from Texarkana Devin and Darah.
Saturday I crammed as much of nothing as I could into one little ol' day while the girls finished up shopping and preparation for Odie's vacation this week. I did try to make sure I was ready to preach Sunday but not much more than that.
When the girls came home in the evening I took Kelly Jo out for dinner and a stroll through Dirt Cheap. We made it through the store without buying a thing and that is unusual for us at Dirt Cheap.
Sunday night we started revival at Foster Grove Holiness Church. This is our first time preaching here at Foster Grove but we have known Pastor Jimmie McDuffie and most of his folks for many years. We have been seeing them at Allentown March Meeting for over 25 years and we have preached several revivals in this area.
Knowing all the folks made us feel right at home and we really enjoyed the service. Folks responded good in the altar and God blessed and helped. We are looking forward to more good services this week.
Bro. and Sis. McDuffie

Sunday night we started revival at Foster Grove Holiness Church. This is our first time preaching here at Foster Grove but we have known Pastor Jimmie McDuffie and most of his folks for many years. We have been seeing them at Allentown March Meeting for over 25 years and we have preached several revivals in this area.
Knowing all the folks made us feel right at home and we really enjoyed the service. Folks responded good in the altar and God blessed and helped. We are looking forward to more good services this week.
Bro. and Sis. McDuffie
As you can see above, Odie is traveling with her power scooter. This is the first time she has taken it by airplane. It disassembles into several easy to carry pieces and Kelly Jo attached very detailed instructions with pictures but Odie said they did not take it a part for the ride with the baggage.
She made her connection just fine and landed in Tampa, Florida with no problems at all. She met up with Kaylene from Kansas and then retrieved her luggage and wheel chair. They called the shuttle, made it to the hotel close by and my Dad and Mom were waiting on them there.
She sent the pictures and text below so I am including them in post.
She sent the pictures and text below so I am including them in post.
Take it away, Odie!
Well hello friends! I am writing this from the air. I am almost to Tampa. My flight from Mobile, Alabama to Charlotte, North Carolina went very smooth. I will check in again from Tampa this evening.
I saved my chocolate cover pretzel from Litte Rock Assembly for vacation. As soon as the wheels left Mobile I took a bite. It was soooo good.
Mobile, Alabama to Charlotte, North Carolina
Headed to Tampa
Charlotte, North Carolina to Tampa Florida
I have arrived safely in Tampa and met up with Kaylene Stephens. My flight was very smooth. During the landing my ears hurt me very badly. They were clogged for hours afterward.
Kaylene and I are thankful for all the prayers. We both arrived at our destination in one piece. All of our luggage arrived with us. As Dad told you, this is my first flying trip with my power scooter. I was worried it would not make it to Tampa. It did arrive in good shape and I am thankful it made the trip just fine.
My Mamaw and Papaw Boggs are spending some time in St. Cloud, Florida this month and they drove over to see me Sunday night. We had a wonderful visit with them. I really enjoyed getting to see my grandparents and I appreciate them sacrificing the whole afternoon and evening to drive to see me. It was a special treat for me and was so kind of them.
They were at our hotel waiting on us when we got there.
We quickly checked into the room and settled in. Then we ate dinner at the hotel restaurant. I forgot to get a picture of my flat bread sandwich. It was delicious. I did get a picture of my salad.
Kaylene Stephens, my travel partner for the week.
View out our room window
After a long day of traveling I was more than ready to plop down in this!
Today we plan to take a shuttle to the cruise port and 11:00 and then we will be on our way. You probably will not hear from me directly until I return. Dad will probably cover my post on Saturday and maybe I will post some pictures from the cruise during the next week.
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