
Thursday, March 5, 2015

While Plains - Revival In Pictures

The sun actually came out from behind the clouds Wednesday for a few hours and that is a definite change from the last few days. As I begin to type this Wednesday afternoon it is still shining and it is nearly 80 degrees. By 7:00 AM it is forecast to be 28 degrees here with a 90% chance of freezing rain and wintry mix combined with wind at 15 mph. 

We are very seriously considering moving the bus into the parking lot and hooking up the Green Machine so we are prepared to get out of Dodge. It is supposed to be un the upper 50's after church with about a 65% chance of rain.

By the time I finish writing this and post it Thursday morning the decision will be made and I will inform you what we did. It is supposed to be 37 for a high here tomorrow and 22 for a low over night going into Thursday. I know that is not bad compared to the temperatures at home and many other places but that is one reason why God gave us wheels under our home.

While the sun was showing its face I slipped out and snapped a few pictures of the church and BoggsMobile.

Yep, I let the weather guessers convince me it is better to leave tonight after church rather than stay in the freezer tonight and tomorrow. It is going to get cold where we are going but not as cold as here and not until up in the day Thursday. At 4:00 PM Wednesday afternoon Kelly Jo backed the bus out of the parking spot and put in in place to hook up the car. We can pull straight out onto the road from there.

This really is a beautiful place and it is situated in beautiful country. I know that it is probably hot and humid beyond words in the summer but it sure is nice and pretty this time of year. We really enjoy coming here, parking here and having church with all of these fine folks.

They have always been so kind to us and they love to have church. it is no chore at all to get the regulars to attend church and they will stay right with us no matter how long we sing and preach. That is rare these days and it is a great blessing.

We have certainly enjoyed the revival and I hope that you enjoy the Revival In Pictures.


We had lots of visitors this week and here are some of them with Odie.

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