
Friday, April 17, 2015

Announcing Tent Revival In Waynesville, Ohio

The Blue and White Gospel tent is coming to Waynesville, Ohio May 24 - May 29, 2015.

We last set up a tent in our hometown of Waynesville, Ohio in August of 2011. We had been doing periodic tent revivals for 10 years by then but that was our first year of dedicating a whole summer to tent revivals. 

We were using a 30'x40' white tent that year and set up on a rented lot right in Waynesville. We had a wonderful week of services under the tent and a very positive response from the community.

I invited Bro. Jimmy Millikin to help us in that tent revival and he and his family were a tremendous blessing to us and to the churches and people in our area.

We have had several inquiries since that revival about bringing the tent back to Waynesville. We have conducted tent revivals in many, many places since then and I have always intended to go back to Waynesville before now. Each year that I tried to make specific plans, it seems that nothing would come together or I would sense God opening up something else in another city.

It appears that everything is falling in place as planned for tent revival to go forward near Waynesville this year. We plan to set up the Blue and White Gospel tent in May on the property purchased by Boggs Family Ministries late last year. That property joins the Dodds Pentecostal Church property and Pastor Kelly Rogers is enthused about joining with us to reach folks in their community and the Waynesville area.

I have also contacted other churches in the Waynesville and Lebanon areas and asked them to join in with us as well. I am asking the Pastors to encourage their church members to attend tent revival and even consider joining with us on their regular service nights. The Corwin church is excited about tent revival and I am expecting others to come on board too.

There are so many lost souls in our area that desperately need to hear the Gospel message and feel God's conviction on their lives. I believe churches working together without borders and without competition is one of the best ways to get the Gospel message to them.

In other cities where churches have joined together in tent revival the communities have taken notice and were still commenting about the cooperation months later.  God smiled on cooperation between the churches and met us in those meetings in a powerful and lasting way. 

Revival will begin with setting up the tent on Saturday May 23rd at 9:00 AM. Services will begin Sunday night May 24th and run through Friday May 29th. We will start each night at 7:00 PM. We will take the tent down Friday night or Saturday morning depending on the weather. I have invited Evangelist Jimmy Millikin and his family from Claremore, Oklahoma to help with singing and share the preaching responsibilities. He has graciously consented to come and I know they will be a great blessing to the revival.

As usual we will not spend a lot of time on preliminaries but will do our best to worship God and then preach the Word of God as early in the service as possible. I have found that we do not have much time to reach folks in this modern technology driven world and I want them to hear the hope of the Gospel while they are tuned in. It is my sincere intention with these meetings to strengthen the local churches and Pastors and to join together with them in a concerted effort to reach the lost.

It would be awesome if others would come and join us in worship and having church under the Blue and White Gospel tent in Waynesville, Ohio. I believe God is going to meet with us there and souls will be saved and saints will be encouraged. You are welcome to put your shoulder to the wheel and help us in the effort to have tent revival in Waynesville.

The tent will go up by God's grace at 3215 Old St. Rt. 122, Waynesville, Ohio.

God bless you for reading.



  1. The tent looks great Davy. Great job on your set ups.

    1. Thank you very much, Mr. Tromsness. We are looking forward to adding a new section to the tent you made for us soon. You make a great tent!



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