
Monday, May 18, 2015

Weekend Wound Up and Weview May 18

This weekend end wound up post is going to be very heavy in pictures since we has such a power packed weekend. I hope you enjoy all of the pictures.

As I mentioned in Friday's post we closed revival as planned Thursday night at Lydia Mountain Chapel. It was an outstanding finale service. Praise God for all of His help. Before the final service Kelly Jo and I took a drive Thursday afternoon.

We had been across the mountain to church and back several times but we had not taken the time to visit one of our favorite places in the world since we had been in Virginia. The Skyline Drive is 105 miles long and runs the length of Shenandoah National Park in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It is an awesome drive but we only had about two hours so we drove about 35 minutes to Big Meadows and back.

We entered Skyline about 7 miles from the church at the Swift Run Gap. From there it is only 15 miles to Big Meadows. The speed limit is only 35 MPH and there is so much to see there is no reason to go any faster.

There is a $20 per car National Park entrance fee to drive the Skyline Drive and it is good for seven days. The annual pass is only $40. We hardly ever pay to enter a National Park since Odie is with us most of the time and she has a Golden Access pass. Since she stayed behind we had to fork over the money this time but it was well worth it.

We saw one black bear cub scampering across the road and lots and lots of dear that day.

We decided to rest on Friday and travel to Bristow on Saturday. I checked with Pastor Brent Gabbard to make sure it was OK to stay over another day and it was. I really appreciate Bro. Gabbard and the Bible Holiness Church allowing us to park there. It was relaxing to remain in the same place for nearly two weeks.

Friday evening Kelly Jo and I went to Harrisonburg for a nice meal. We sure appreciate the gift cards from Frankie, Pat and David Shiflett. We really enjoyed a very fine meal due to their kindness. Odie decided to continue resting at the bus, but we took her a treat back later.

After dinner we pointed the Green Machine north on I-81 for a sunset drive. We exited on Hwy 211 and cut through Luray back over to the Skyline Drive. We entered the Skyline at Thornton Gap which is about 20 miles north of Big Meadows. That means it was about 35 beautiful miles and lots of stops at overlooks down to the Swift Run Gap exit.

I wish pictures could really tell the story. It was a stormy sunset and it was nearly breathtaking. I understand if you want to skip over some of these pictures but we could not bear to delete many of them.

What does an evangelist do on his day off? He drives nearly 100 miles to see God's beauty, that's what! We were gone a total of about 6 hours and enjoyed every moment of it.

Saturday it was time to leave Bible Holiness and it was a little sad. But the next revival at Bristow was calling our name so we had to roll the wheels. The weather guessers were calling for rain in the afternoon so we made the trip in the morning.

We pulled into Bristow Assembly about 12:30. This is the first time we have taken the bus over the mountain from Elkton to Ruckersville but it was a piece of cake.

After we set up and hooked into electric we drove about 1/2 mile to our favorite little Italian place called Tony's. It has been 4 years since we have been here and it was as good as we remembered. Of course my diet has changed drastically since then but I enjoyed the salad I could eat.

We started revival Sunday morning with Pastor Ken Taylor and his great folks. We had two really good services with an especially good prayer line and altar service Sunday night. We appreciate the Taylor's inviting us to be with them again. We enjoy every time we get to come.

We plan to be here three more nights and then we will make a big jump to Ohio by God's grace. We have big plans for later in the week that range from tent washing and set up to barn roofing. It should be exciting.

I hope you had a super great weekend.


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