Prayer Request
I have a first cousin in Waynesville, Ohio that died suddenly and unexpectedly Sunday afternoon and I would love for you to pray for his family. His name is Craig Coffman and he was 53 years old if I am not mistaken. Craig has three(?) sons, three brothers, two sisters and a mother still living. They are shocked and heart broken. Craig's mother, Aunt Alice, is my mother's sister. Would you pray for them with us?
It was a wonderful whirlwind weekend just wike we wove it!
Friday morning I posted pictures from the revival at Tanner Williams but we have a few more from Friday night.
We had another great service Friday night with several visitors included. The altar service Thursday night was hard to beat but I believe Friday night might have been even better. God spoke to our hearts and helped some folks. Praise God for his help.
Saturday I stayed at the bus while Kelly Jo and Odie kicked around Mobile running to and fro amongst their favorite stores. Of course they had to stop for a bite or two to eat.
I kept busy preparing for the Sunday services and working on some future plans. In the evening we met Pastor Williamson and Sis. Gayla along with their daughter and son-in-law, Kevin and Rachel Collins, that were visiting from Oklahoma. We went to the local catfish joint and it was very, very good.
Even though the food was fantastic the fellowship with our dear friends was even better. I love these folks so much and it was a joy to spend the evening with them. Bro. Donnie is one of the very best men I know and I am thankful to call him friend.
Sunday was Homecoming at Tanner Williams Holiness Church. Homecoming at Tanner Williams always includes the big service in the morning, a fantastic dinner about noon and then singing in the afternoon. I posted pictures of all the excitement yesterday.
It was a great, great day. Sunday night Kelly Jo and I received an email from one of the people in attendance Sunday morning. I am not at liberty yet to share publicly what they told me but God moved in a mighty wonderful way in some lives and THAT is exactly what we were praying and hoping for!
This was the last picture of the afternoon. It is The Apostle, Davy and Kodi.
Thank you Apostle, Epistle and all the folks from Tanner Williams. You all are super folks!
We visited Sunday afternoon until we ran just about everyone off and then we cranked the BoggsMobile for the short drive through the woods to Forts Lake Assembly just across the state line into Mississippi.
We were supposed to be at Forts Lake this coming January for revival but Pastor Tim Cauley called recently to tell me they are going to be in a big remodeling project at the first of the year. They needed to cancel revival and he asked if I had a weekend to spend with them. I told him about my Sunday night available after Tanner Williams and that is exactly where we went.
I am an evangelist and I love preaching revivals. I do not love preaching places for one night quite as much as I love revivals. I usually do not feel like I am in the right grove when I pop in for one night. Sunday night at Forts Lake was different. I felt like God directed me to the right scripture with the right words to say and I knew He was going to speak to the right hearts.
That is exactly what God did and it was tremendous. God helped folks at Forts Lake Assembly Sunday night and we praise God for it. We sure appreciate His help and we are also very thankful for the warm welcome, good treatment and fine meal. May God bless Pastor Tim Cauley and his folks.
Here are a few pictures from Sunday night.
We had a great meal at Cracker Barrel and also got to visit with friends from Trinity that we also there after church.

Bro. and Sis. Cauley dropped us back at the BoggsMobile and we cranked it again for the 88 mile drive to Richton, Mississippi. You may remember that we left the tent trailer there after City Reach Richton. We will need the trailer and its contents in Millry so that necessitated a return trip to Richton.
That's no problem because we love our friends in Richton!
There is a Mississippi state rest area one exit west of Forts Lake Church on I-10 and it has a dump station for RVs. We have stopped there many times and we made a quick stop there late Sunday night to take care of business. I spared you and did not take any pictures of that process.
We pulled into Richton about 1:30 AM and fell into bed about 3:00. It was a long but very fulfilling day. It is good to be well loved by the people of God and it a blessing to use our strength in His work. There may come a day when no one calls for us so we are happy to go while we can.
We had an early morning planned on Monday and I will tell you more about that later. I hope your week is off to a good start. Thank you so much for reading.
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