
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Very Boggs Thanksgiving!

Saturday was the big day for Thanksgiving dinner for the Boggs family. Since all the children married off, Mom has often had her dinner sometime other than Thanksgiving Day so that we could spend time with our spouse and their families on Thursday. 

Kelly Jo, Odie and I are not usually home at Thanksgiving at all so this was an especially memorable year for us. We enjoyed every moment of the day! To be a part of this evening was a treat, the meal was tremendous, the camaraderie was terrific and the laughs will be treasured for a very long time.

Dad and Mom host a lot of our family get-togethers at their barn and everyone loves it. It is a great place to gather, eat and have fun. However, with colder weather the barn is out of the question so we often rent the fellowship hall at Dodds church for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

That has been very handy for us since we have been parked within 75 feet of the front door for the last several years when we are home. Now we are right next door at the Lazy OD Ranch so its still very convenient for us. It is nice that we have lots of room for the meal and for fun and games too.

Boggs people always have plenty of finger foods to eat while real food is on its way!

Like most families we have a large iPhone contingent in the Boggs family. It turns out that we had some very early adapters to iPhones in our family.

Check this out!

Even Android people can admit this is cool!

Dad and Mom with the children and spouses. Children from left to right: Jay, Theresa, Kelly Jo, Davy, Steve, Karen, Holly and Tommy

This is with grandchildren thrown in the mix. Grandchildren left to right: Victor, Luke, Lauren, Deidre, Odie, Jonas and Isaac.

This is all the women folk with our honorary and well loved sibling Lisa.

That was our Thanksgiving and what a great evening it was. Thanks for joining us.


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