Thursday ended up being as busy as we thought it would be and a whole lot more stressful than we thought it would be. The whole ordeal was not near as bad as it could have been but it is nice to see some days come to an end.
Air Pressure
Air Pressure
We cranked the BoggsMobile Thursday morning at Cedar Creek and the stress started right them. The sporadic reoccurring air glitch decided to glitch in a big way Thursday morning. I started to call it a day right then but eventually the air system started behaving correctly. We hooked the Green Machine to the bus and headed for Richton, Mississippi to pick up the tent trailer.
Part of the trip from Cedar Creek to Richton is on a very pleasant two lane road. The road only has two drawbacks. It has absolutely no shoulders and absolutely no phone signal most of the way. It was on that section of road that our stress level kicked up about 14 notches.
Oil Pressure
Oil Pressure
I had been monitoring the gauges as usual and noticed the oil pressure gauge was suddenly maxed out at 80. It normally runs about 50, so 80 is very abnormal. I had to get off the road fast.
Remember there are no shoulders on that stretch of road so there was no place at all to pull over. I stopped right in the middle of the road on a long straight stretch and turned on my hazard lights.
I did not turn the engine off right away because I hated to get stranded with no help around or any way to call help. There was no oil being forced out the dipstick by high pressure and everything sounded normal. I decided to press on slowly to Richton. When I ran through a little phone signal, I called Jeff Rowe and put his mind to work on the problem.
Jeff confirmed for me that IF the pressure was really that high, then the computer would be shutting down the engine. That comforted me some and we made it to Richton just fine. Once I arrived, we shut it down and checked the oil level several times over the next 15 minutes or so and it was fine. No milky oil, no burnt oil and no dry dipstick. OK, it is time to breathe.
We came to Richton to pick up the tent trailer and Bro. Scott had washed it and had it ready for me. I sure am indebted to my friend! He takes better care of my trailer than I do. I do not have to worry about it one second while it is there. I appreciate Bro. Scott Morris and his church for allowing us to park it there for long stretches over the winter.
He also helped me pull it around front, get the tires aired up and get it hooked to the BoggsMobile. Soon, we were ready to go. Thanks again, friend.
While we were there, the school kids were picking up a few hundred pine cones and cleaning up the neighbors yard. Way to go kids!
About two miles after leaving the church the oil pressure gauge came to its senses and starting reading correctly. What's up with that?

I know now the pressure was good all the time but it is nice to have the gauge working. It will have to be dealt with in the future but I guess that keeps life interesting.
I know now the pressure was good all the time but it is nice to have the gauge working. It will have to be dealt with in the future but I guess that keeps life interesting.
We pulled into Ellisville a little while later and we were glad to be there. It had taken us 3 1/2 hours to go 93 miles! Yep, it was just a little more stressful than I had anticipated.
Blood Pressure
Thursday ended up being all about pressure. It was air pressure plus oil pressure equals an increase in blood pressure. But, as regular long time readers know, it could be worse. You already know what I am going to say next, right? I thought my mind would explode with pressure but it could be worse. I could be pastoring a church.
You think I am kidding? Not this time and I have a picture to prove it. My dear Pastor friend sent me this picture and said he was thinking of starting a blog for young preachers and using this as the header picture.

The blog will be called, "So you think you want to be a Pastor?" Or "You Think Pastoring is Easy?"
Sometimes you must look on the bright side to keep from crying!
Blood Pressure
Thursday ended up being all about pressure. It was air pressure plus oil pressure equals an increase in blood pressure. But, as regular long time readers know, it could be worse. You already know what I am going to say next, right? I thought my mind would explode with pressure but it could be worse. I could be pastoring a church.
You think I am kidding? Not this time and I have a picture to prove it. My dear Pastor friend sent me this picture and said he was thinking of starting a blog for young preachers and using this as the header picture.
The blog will be called, "So you think you want to be a Pastor?" Or "You Think Pastoring is Easy?"
Sometimes you must look on the bright side to keep from crying!
The day did get better after we arrived in Ellisville, Mississippi. The bus made it safely, the weather was beautiful and we had dear friends to welcome us. That combination should calm a guys nerves every time.
Associate Pastor Andy Stringfellow and his son Blake helped me get the holding tanks emptied, the bus backed in and then Bro. Andy moved the tent trailer behind the church for me with his truck. Thanks, Bro. Andy! Bro. Jason and Sis. Mandy Morris were there to welcome us "home" too and it was great to see them all!
We needed to run into Hattiesburg for a few things and we met Bro. Scott, Sis. Kim and Rylee for supper. THAT was a great way to end the day!
Today we will drive the Green Machine to Pine Prairie, Louisiana. Friday night is youth rally and Saturday is the big dedication service of the new sanctuary of Christian Tabernacle. We are really looking forward to being with Pastor Barry Gautreaux and all of our Pine Prairie fiends and friends from several states that are coming to celebrate. It should be a great day!
We will be back here to begin revival services Sunday morning by God's grace. Come be with us! Thanks for reading.
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