
Monday, January 4, 2016

Weekend Woundup and Weview January 4

It seems incredible but the first weekend of 2016 has come and gone. We now have only 51 more weekends to go and we will be staring 2017 in the face. I am sure it will happen before we know it.

To wrap up this weekend, let us go all the way back to Wednesday night. That was the last night we were able to attend revival at Dryden Rd. and to be with all our home church family. Bro. Darius Templeton preached great as we expected he would. We will see Bro. Darius and Sis. Kim in a few days in Alabama, but it was adios to all the rest of our Dryden Rd. friends.

After church Wednesday we were invited to the beautiful home of Bro. Jeff and Sis. Debbie Roberts. They are so good to welcome us into their home during the holidays and we always enjoy the fellowship with them and their other guests. Laughing, eating and laughing some more pretty much sums up a super great night. Thank you, dear friends.

Thursday we began a few nights of revival at West Harrison Pentecostal Church in West Harrison, Indiana. Pastor Wade Hicks has been a faithful friend and we really enjoyed being with him and his folks. I will have a Revival In Pictures post later in the week but here are a couple of pictures now.

During the day most of the week we have been working on a barn project.

I will probably have a few pictures and let you in on the details of the project a little later. It has been a lot of work but also a lot of fun.

We made a few trips to Acapulco over the last several days and we hope to go at least one more time before we point the BoggsMobile toward the south on Wednesday.

We were driving back and forth to Indiana each night and Pastor Hicks gave us Sunday morning off. We dropped into Calvary Pentecostal Lighthouse in Middletown and we had a great visit. 

Pastor Kevin Allen and his church helped with our tent revival last May in Waynesville and I have been needing to pay them a visit ever since. I am so glad we went Sunday morning. God touched me during the preaching and I trust he touched them as well.

Sunday night we made one more trip to West Harrison for the last night of revival. We went to Frisch's one last time with Pastor Hicks and his family and then turned the Green Machine toward Waynesville. By the time we were safely in the BoggsMobile it was approaching midnight and it was time to pass out. It was one of those nights that crawling into bed felt so good, that I got up and crawled into bed again! Whew!

Today and tomorrow we will try to wrap up all the "stuff" that must be done before leaving for a while. We will also be preaching Monday and Tuesday in Goshen, Ohio for Bro. Cornett. It does not look possible but I am sure it will all come together.

I hope you had a great Sunday. Thank you for reading.


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