We are coming to you this morning live from New York.
Friday morning Sis. Judy King took us to DFW airport and we appreciate her kindness very, very much. We are not flying directly into Dallas when we return so we did not really need to leave the Green Machine at the airport. When Sis. Judy insisted on taking us, we were very thankful.
We zoomed through security and went to our gate, 29. Then went to the second gate, 40. Then went to the third gate, 20 and there we boarded the plane.
Here is a funny. Gate 40 was a good ways from food. Odie said, "Our gates are never close to the restaurants." While they were gone to fetch the food they changed us to gate 20 and I took all of our stuff down there. Gate 20 was directly across from a huge complex of a bunch of restaurants!
Bro. and Sis. Hardyal met us at the airport in New York City and treated us like kings from the very first moment. We really appreciate all of their hospitality and kindness. They have really overwhelmed us with good treatment.
Odie, Kelly Jo, Pastor Ivan Hardyal and Pastor Wade Hicks.
Bro. Victor Raguenath came to the hotel to visit with us Saturday morning.
Bro. Victor came from Guyana in the early 70's and attended Export Bible Institute. He pastored churches many years and is now semi-retired and now works to promote cooperation, evangelism and fellowship among churches hear and in Guyana.
Bro. Victor has also invited us to Guyana for open air meetings. We had a wonderful sweet visit with him.
Saturday afternoon Paul Hardyal drove us to The Bronx to visit Pastor Danilo Florian and Bro. Henry Reyes.
They are interested in the possibility of organizing a city wide meeting there among some churches. They already cooperate with several churches in outreach so it is very possible they will be able to pull something together.
The Pastors in The Bronx and in Queens are unsure they can secure open ground for the tent, which is very hard to find in the city, plus permission for tent revival between now and July. If something comes together here it may be open air or in one of the churches.
Bro. Reyes, Davy, Bro. Wade and Bro. Florian
Saturday night Bro. Hardyal came to pick us up for supper and brought us a homemade treat. We love plantain and these are thinly sliced, fried green plantain chips! Trust me, they are absolutely delicious!
Sunday morning we sang and preached at New Life Christian Center for Pastor Hardyal and his fine people. We had a tremendous service. These folks love Bro. Wade Hicks and his brother in law Bro. Hobert Bowling. Bro. Wade and Bro. Hobert were kind enough to introduce us to their friends and so now they love us too!
Sis. Hardyal and Kelly Jo
Sunday night Pastor Gee at Love and Grace Church organized a special service so we could sing and preach to several congregations at once. I do not know how many churches were represented but I think I counted seven Pastors there.
We had a wonderful service of fellowship, singing, preaching and praying. God moved in mighty way in the altar service. I know God was working miracles in lives right before our very lives.
Pastor Gee, Kelly Jo and Davy
Thanks to Lydia for helping Odie get pics after church.
If we have a City Wide meeting in Queens inside a church, then Bro. Gee's church would be excellent. They also own a small parking lot close to their church and we may be able to set a tent there. My tent would not fit on it but that is just a small obstacle. There is a new hindu temple between the church and the parking lot so that would be interesting and could be the providence of God.
I would say the trip has been an overwhelming success and we have made some friendships that will last a lifetime. I appreciate God using Bro. Wade Hicks and Bro. Hobert Bowling to open the doors for us in New York City. Every preacher and every pastor we met here is a direct result of their introductions and influence. God bless you, friends for having confidence in our family and connecting us with your friends.
I want to thank Pastor Hardyal for opening his family and church to us. We have never been treated any better than by these folks that had no idea who we were. They went strictly on recommendation and made us feel like family.
Pastor Hardyal introduced us to Pastor Gee and then he in turn introduced us to all the Pastors that came to service Sunday night. Thank you, my dear brothers for taking a chance on us and for catching our vision to take the precious Gospel message outside the four walls of the church. I believe that God is going to do great things.
Thank you all for praying for us this weekend. God has helped us tremendously. This afternoon we fly to Nashville. I will tell you more about all that later.
Thanks for reading.
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