We post most days here but occasionally we will miss a day due to various things going on. Yesterday we were very busy with travel and such, but I left Tuesday's post at the top an extra day on purpose. I received several texts and a few phone calls from friends and family reacting positively to the blog that day and I knew a bunch of folks were reading it.
Evidently others must have been linking to it or sharing it on other sites because it received more than our normal MILLIONS of visitors. IF by chance you have not read it, you can read it HERE. It is called Contempt From The Sophisticated World.
We traveled pretty hard most of the last three days and we arrived back at the BoggsMobile at 12:20 AM Wednesday night/Thursday morning. Tuesday we drove in wind and driving rain for over 300 miles. We finally gave up and got a room just east of Little Rock.
Wednesday the rain was mostly gone but the wind was super strong all day long. It was hitting us head on or from the side so it beat us up pretty bad. We were hauling some things for City Reach in a rental truck and that made us a great big target for the wind. I was glad to stop for a while Wednesday evening.
We detoured just a little bit from the straight route to Gainesville so we could attend one night of Fellowship Meeting in Idabel, Oklahoma. It had been 25 years since we had been there. Pastor Phillip Snow and his family are great people and although we see them at meetings and see their children scattered about the country working in ministry, it took us a while to circle back through. It was good to be close enough to go again.

I really wanted to go so we could hear Pastor Jon Isaacs preach. We love Bro. Jon and his family. It was wonderful to be with them a few months ago in Alabama and we have been anxious to see them again. Only Bro. Jon and Alivya were able to make the trip but we loved being with them. Bro. Jon preached great and it was well worth the few extra miles we drove to be there.

It was 9:55 when we pulled out of the church and 2 hours and 25 minutes later we were here. I am writing this and posting this before I go to bed and I know it is going to feel good to crawl into my own bed. I may stay there 12 hours!
Thanks for reading.
Thank y'all so much for the surprise visit! Alivya called & said "Mom guess who surprised us and came!" She was beyond excited! I wish the rest of us could have saw y'all. AnnaKate is very disappointed that she couldn't hear y'all sing:) we love our dear friends. God Bless