
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Gratitude From GoodNews Christian School

By the help of God's people we have been helping Pastor Shobanke with the GoodNews Christian School from the very beginning. When Bro. Shobanke shared his vision (Actually, his wife, who has been in Heaven many years, first had the vision 25 years before) of starting a Christian school, we pledged to help support it financially right from the beginning. Boggs Family Ministries gave an offering right then and we committed to giving the same amount the next three years.

Several more years have passed and we are committed more than ever. It is a tremendous blessing for the young folks in their city to have an opportunity at a good education AND and Godly education. We are very glad to be a small part of it.

Most of our offerings the last three years have went toward supplementing the salaries of Sis. Ruth and Sis. Rebecca as they run the school and to providing a suitcase full of school supplies each year. You can read more about that HERE. When we are there late this year (By God's Grace) I hope to sit down with them and find out what else we can do to come along side them in their work for Christ.

We have been blessed to visit the school and we are always overwhelmed by the kindness of the staff and the love of the children. I really wish we could spend more time with the children and maybe God will allow that in future.

Bro. Shobanke, Sis. Ruth, Sis. Rebecca, the staff and the children have shown their appreciation in various ways through the years and it always brings us to tears. This year they went way over the top and sent us a tremendous care package.

They sent a large package of towels, bags and shirts with the school name on them

Here is the back of the shirts.

We shared some of the gifts with individuals and churches that have purposefully supported the GoodNews Christian School but we also wanted to share their thanks and appreciation with you. God bless you for helping. God bless you for giving. God bless you for praying. Your help and your prayers are making a difference in the lives of children in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria, West Africa and only eternity will reveal the depth of that difference.

Thank you and God bless you.


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