Yesterday's post was preempted by our traditional Easter poem so I am including the links from last week's posts today.
Check out our posts from the last week at the links below.
Check out our posts from the last week at the links below.
We started the weekend by leaving the Los Angeles area, although we did not leave it very quickly at all. The only real good time to pass through the heart of LA on any interstate is sometime between 11:00 PM and 5:00 AM. 9:15 AM Friday morning did not look too bad on Google maps but I know how fast that can change!
We were leaving town completely but I set the Prevost shop in Mira Loma as our first stop just to gauge our progress. Prevost was 75 miles away and 1 hour and 35 minutes with current traffic. There were lots of incident and construction icons but not much red on the route.
Traffic was heavy all the way with quite a bit of stop and go. Well, that is not actually true. It was more like
We drove 90 minutes before we were able to drive 55 MPH for about a minute and then slowed down again. We actually passed the Prevost exit in 2 hours and 25 minutes and I was not too disappointed with that.

We did see a few interesting sights as we drove in LA.

I wonder what exactly a smell good plumber is supposed to smell like?
We also saw this old Pinto station wagon along side the road.

We drove 90 minutes before we were able to drive 55 MPH for about a minute and then slowed down again. We actually passed the Prevost exit in 2 hours and 25 minutes and I was not too disappointed with that.
We did see a few interesting sights as we drove in LA.
I wonder what exactly a smell good plumber is supposed to smell like?
We also saw this old Pinto station wagon along side the road.
After 3+ hours and 100 miles we broke free of the city and into the mountains on Hwy 60.
Traffic was still heavy for another 70 miles and we had some more city but this mountain pass was a beautiful break. We absolutely love the scenery in California!
By the time we reached the welcome center in Arizona after about 260 miles, we were ZONKED. Thank God He helped us though all of that traffic with no accidents and no major brake jamming incidents but my nerves were shot. We rested a few minutes and then pressed on because we only had about 25-30 miles to go and we wanted to get parked and settled before dark.
We parked in the desert north of Quartzsite late Friday evening and enjoyed a completely down day Saturday. KJ and Odie did run into town for a few supplies Saturday but I did not go any where except for a few long walks in the desert.
We enjoyed the services here yesterday and I believe we will probably be back here in the future. I plan to tell you more about our purpose for being here tomorrow.
I hope you had a great weekend.
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