We were in service here at Desert Cove Assembly Wednesday night preaching about City Reach and spending time with Pastor Noah Martinez and all of his fine folks. We will be back here to begin City Reach on April 3 by God's grace.

The dates and the location have kind of been up in the air here but things are nailed down as much as possible now. They have been planning the meeting for an El Mirage city park all along. Some how the city scheduled another event for the location the first week of April so that left us with the second week. We were willing to shift to meet their schedule but we found out Tuesday evening that the park would not be available at all.

We were all a little disappointed, but I learned a long time ago that disappointments and delays can often be God's direction. There are people all over America praying that God will put us in the right place, at the right time, preaching the right message, to the right people! I have confidence that God is answering those prayers and working all of this out. I know I can trust God even when I can not figure out what He is doing!
There are other very good locations in El Mirage but we are pressed for time in obtaining the necessary permissions so Pastor Martinez and I decided that the lot next to the church would be the best location. Preparations will begin right away to have the lot ready for the tent and the big Blue and White Gospel tent will go up on Saturday April 2, 2016 if all goes as planned.

We will then begin revival on Sunday April 3rd and will have City Reach under the tent for two weeks closing on Friday April 15th. I am nervous but very excited about the possibilities of God working in lives right here! I can feel the enthusiasm building in my spirit just writing about it!
I appreciate all the prayers for City Reach. I want everyone to know that you are very welcome to come join us for any or all of the meetings but we would really love to have you attend this one in particular. I assure you that it would be a great joy to have you and that you would be a tremendous blessing to us and to this city!
It all begins in 30 days! Come be a part of revival in the Phoenix area!
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