I mentioned on the blog in March that Bro. Alan Harris and his church in Central City, Kentucky had scheduled a prayer revival to coincide with the first week of City Reach Phoenix area. Their act of kindness overwhelmed us then. I knew this would prove to be a very special time because of their sacrifice and it is!
It has been very clear each night that we are being carried in this meeting by the prayers of the saints unto God. Many of the folks here have commented that they feel the same way. I know that people all over the country are praying but we really appreciate our friends in Central City praying specifically for City Reach every night this week.
I have been keeping Bro. Harris informed about the services each night and he has been telling me about the prayer services. They start praying at 7:00 which is 5:00 our time. God has been meeting with them in power and might. By the time they are finishing their prayer time, we are ready to crank up the service. EVERY night we feel the strength of God as we begin. It is apparent that God answers the prayers of His people.
Thank you for praying. Thank you, Central City Church and Pastor Alan Harris for spending every evening this week in prayer. What you are doing for us is awesome! I pray that God will reward you greatly for your labor of love. May He shower your church with blessings and souls to be saved. May He keep you and overshadow you in every thing you do. May He send the same measure of revival to you that you have prayed down on the Phoenix area! Hallelujah!
Below are a couple of pictures from Tuesday night.
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