
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Wow! Praise God!

Wow! Wow! Wow! That is the best description for the altar service Wednesday night! It was tremendous! It was so good that I could not sleep Wednesday night much at all. I was so excited about the lives that God touched and the potential of the lives He is going to touch the next few nights that I could not turn off my mind! I must say it again, Wow!

I am so thankful to be working with Pastor Noah Martinez and all these fine folks from Desert Cove Assembly in El Mirage. I am thankful to have Pastor Johnson George with us nearly every night. I am so thankful for the visitors that are coming from this area. Every night we have some one or several someones new in attendance. I am thankful that God is moving in every service.

I am also thankful for visitors that have come from a long ways off to visit City Reach. I already told you about Pastor Scott Morris joining us and helping us the first several nights. That was an awesome gift to us and to City Reach.

Tuesday night we had Bro. and Sis. Campbell with us all the way from western Kentucky. They were in Phoenix on business and made time to be with us in service. It was a treat to have them. We love these folks.

We knew the Campbell's were in the area and might come but we had no idea that our special visitors Wednesday night were any where near Arizona. They are from Elkton, Virginia and the last place in the world we expected to see them was here in the Phoenix area. Bro. and Sis. Sponaugle walked in as I was beginning the service and I was floored when I realized who they were!

They got me bad! I was speechless and I am still amazed they came. They were also in Phoenix on business and took time out of a crammed schedule to be with us. I hope God blesses them extra good for doing it! I know they were a blessing to us!

So you can see that I have a lot of things to be thankful for this week and I have about a hundred more things on my mind I could write about. It has been a great week so far and it is NOT over!

Come be with us if you can. We have two more services that we know of and we are anticipating a great move of God! We have service tonight at 7:00 and then a real special treat on Friday night at 6:15. Come on out!


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